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Oma’s coconut macaroons aka womans weekly 1978

Place: oma and opa’s farm

Poison: coffee

Favourite things: hot coconut macaroons and the tease of country op shops after lunch.

After escaping the city last night post an eventful working week, we settled into some farmstyle love.

Kym’s oma and opa have been married 60 years and have lived here on this farm for so many years of it.

We ate hot biscuits for morning tea and I just had to ask for the recipe.

1 cup of coconut

1/2 cup sugar

1 tablespoon cornflour

1 egg

Pinch of salt

1 teaspoon vanilla

Combine coconut, sugar and cornflour in bowl. Beat together egg, salt and vanilla, stir into dry ingrediants, mix well. Place heaped teaspoonfuls of mixture onto greased and lightly cornfloured oven trays, press mixture lightly into peaked shapes. Bake for 15 mins, remove and loosen. Oven at 180, make sure it’s hot before bikkies go in.

Ahhhh, what farmer wants a wife? I’m ready to hightale it to the bush.
