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Place: home

Poison: pepsi max

Favorite things: days at home

As Lent is now over, I continue on my goal towards 366 blogs this year.

This goal is a selfish one, as my blogging is somewhat of an online journal. An impetus to keep me focused in my first year of motherhood and so far it is working.

I find myself more inspired and more connected than I have been in a few years.

After my 47 day Lenten sojourn, I’ve decided to keep the spritual tone of my blogs for a while.

This is a little different to my book and former writing, but it’s helping me personally stay connected.

So if you are reading me, I hope this encourages you also.

I value my spirituality. It’s such a huge part of my life, however I never want my words to push people away or become trite.

A proud, bleating, off key drum.

I hope it is a soft unusual, instrument that is diffcult to decipher but alluring to the seeking heart.

How about you? What do you value?

That’s how much you mean to me! That’s how much I love you! I’d sell off the whole world to get you back, trade the creation just for you. “So don’t be afraid: I’m with you. I’ll round up all your scattered children, pull them in from east and west. (Isaiah 43:4, 5 MSG)

Post Easter, it is easy to quickly forget the value that God places on every individual life.

The value he places on you, shown in the aftermath of the Easter story is earth shattering.

If you are struggling with your own worth and value, meditate upon Isaiah’s promise.

You are delighted in.

I struggle often with this, as I change another nappy and question whether the routine I am setting for my Max is the right one…

Drink deep of his inspiration. It is available to you…


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