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Forever moments

Place: tambourine mountains

Poison: water

Favorite things: old churches

I am in the blissful glow of love. A old chapel, a garden full of tall trees, families have gathered, makeup applied, best outfits ironed and guitar strings tuned.

A dad walks in through the splash of sunshine, a little girl twirls and dancing delighted by the attention. The bride takes a deep breath, the groom sheds a tear and the service begins.

The priest cracks a joke, the grandmother coughs to choke the tears, a scripture reading is declared, a song celebrated and the moment unveils.

Hands are held, eyes are engaged, the moment is near and the love is palpable.

The musty smell of the old, combined with the mix of people’s favorite perfumed beaus. Cameras are clicking, vows are promised and declared.

Time, effort, money, planning, energy and care are taken all leading till this moment.

The moment when a ring is exchanged, a poem pronounced, a prayer is prayed and a kiss is lavished.

The moment has arrived, Mr and Mrs are committed and a new life has begun.

In life there are moments that define us. Those vows we make change who we are, they cannot be taken lightly and should be remembered always. A new name is bestowed to declare the definition of the moment. The couple are irrevocably different.

Are there vows you have made that you have forgotten the bliss in the moment?

Are there vows you have made that you need to revisit?

Scripture says a three corded rope cannot be easily broken. Meaning when these vows are declared, man, woman and God are combined and the rope is uneasily unthreaded.

Marriage is a beautiful gift.

Hold that gift lightly.

Forever moments


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