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inspire 15

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inspire 15

Life just got real.

It’s Monday morning and over the weekend I told the world my two goals for 2015.

Shut the front door.

I had a vulnerability hangover so I put my yoga pants on and went down to the beach.

My little miss nearly 4 months old, decided sleeping wasn’t on the agenda last night and I asked my body builder for some help this morning.

I asked him to personal train me.

Yes I did.

It just got real.

Monday morning real.

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Let’s be honest. I had the most amazing time, boxing on the beach, until I felt a little overwhelmed, a little vulnerable, a little ashamed and then I self sabotaged.

I picked a silly little fight and I walked away.

Sitting here, thinking, saying sorry and realising, this is why this goal has never stuck.

In some areas of my life I am like a dog with a bone. If I want to do something I will drive that baby all the way home. But in this area of wellness, exercise, eating, I self sabotage.

I say it is too hard.

If my exercise companion doesn’t show up, I am secretly stoked.

If we go out and the menu options are limited, I have a wry smile.

No more.

Little great choices, everyday.

2015 is just around the corner, but I needed a little head start in this area so I have begun already. I don’t need January 1 to tell me what I want change in my life. At the beginning of the year, I filled in these Change Pages, something I have done for the last ten years and there is a reoccurring theme. Enter my goals for this coming New Year.

Out of this reflection, I have decided to run some one on one day creative retreats, to help people fill in these pages and find their goals for the coming year.

My two goals for next year are this;

1) Loose the 30 kgs I have put on since having my two babes, over the last 3 years.

2) Get ‘The Summer of Love; single, over 25 and exhausted’ published.

What is it that you want to do next year?

Follow my hashtag #inspire15 and let’s do something worthy together.

Also subscribe on the front page here: Capture Life to have my blogs delivered straight to your inbox.



4 thoughts on “inspire 15

  1. Thank you for being brave & sharing with us. I have done really well this past 4 days in changing my eating habits but today I ate 3 rows of caramello chocolate???? My extra weight is 30kg & it needs to go! I am a self sabotager, I am on the change journey – not quick fix style but long haul!

    1. One walk at a time hey Fluer. See ya tomorrow then?

    2. Thankyou so much, I’m learning to just start doing today what I need to do in the little. It’s making such a difference.

  2. That’s awesome that your working on your goals now instead of waiting until the new year. I did a lifestyle change in august 🙂

    I normally don’t do a yearly goal, but I tend to break it down and do monthly goals.

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