The beauty of personal growth, is the fact that you never arrive. We live in a destination orientated world.
“What did you get for Christmas?”
“What are your New Year’s resolutions?”
“Where are you going this year on holidays?”
We start with the end point in mind and we are trained to assess the success of our everyday lives, from the things we attain, the places we visit and what we consume.
The destination is not a key performance indicator, especially in relation to the expansion of our leadership capacity or life’s goals. I think the growth that happens along the way, is the incremental joy, found with experiencing life through the lens of a curious mindset.
Today I pulled out my simplify journal, when it was a hard moment in my work day. I opened the pages to the letters to myself section and I started to journal in a way that showed up to what I was feeling. This is a powerful leadership tool, when you lead in spaces where things change constantly.
“Are we there yet?” Herald my children from the back seat.
When we own our feelings, give space to the insecurity and show up for ourselves— life changes. When we numb the reaction, it sits dormant under the surface, waiting to be waded through.
Life is muddy.
Growth is shocking.
Maturity is humbling.
Journaling is a powerful tool to help us reset the expectation of others and learn from our own stories. What stories have you been ignoring?
2024, was tough for us. The repeating misunderstanding of grief, held us captive. Cars broke down. Friendships stalled. Careers were redirected. The list continues.
The way we show up to the residue left from these experiences, is the insight required for the coming days. So here I am again, sitting in a little pub, in the outskirts of Perth, showing up to my pages. Let’s begin again.

Simplify is designed to be a degustation, not just a one time sitting. My end of year review, is a daily contemplation to articulate the things held within my deep ocean. The desire for that which is difficult to express.
It does not need to be perfect. It is an unwritten rule of contemplation. The question is … when did you stop delving?
Is it time to return again and keep refining? Your end of year review and yearly intentions do not need to be set in stone, in fact the facilitation of thought and process, brings the gold lying deep within.
Creatively Yours,