You can find any opinion that supports your views if you know where to look. The internet has created a buffet of information without the accountability of digestion.
In 2025, God said, “Fewer Voices = More Clarity”. Across many seasons of leadership, I have been the kind of person who values a company of voices: differing opinions, cultures and experiences than mine.
I believe in vast friendship circles and don’t believe in the Hollywood myth of a singular best friend. I have friends older than me, younger friends, and those who live in other countries with different upbringings and beliefs. I will sit at a table with someone of varying religions and am willing to explore the width and depths of humanity for wisdom. Some of my most meaningful friendships have walked daily with me in a season, and then that season changes.
I am well-connected across many different spheres. Yet, I often feel overwhelmed and lonely and look for wisdom outside these circles.
There are too many voices, opinions, stories and a lack of real-life application.

A few years ago, amid my New Year reflections, I decided to stop reading non-fiction books for a year. I realised I could buy and consume many life-changing philosophies, but it was just more noise unless the concepts were applied. So, that year, I only read fiction. I allowed my imagination to thrive and explored the creative side of writing for a while. It was a great year of reading and storytelling. I grew and still focused on professional and personal development without self-help books. Non-fiction books started to come back on my reading menu, however these days I have a steady stream of both.
Another year, I stopped purchasing new clothes. I realised I had over-consumed in this area and allowed other voices to determine my style more than my sense of expression. Fashion cycles come and go, but the impact on our environment is compelling. So, outside of a few second-hand swaps and op shop buys, I didn’t buy any clothing for a year. The noise of consumption was reduced, and I trained my mind to imagine new outfit combinations with a smaller and well-used cupboard of clothes.
The less voices theme for 2025 has developed from my online consumption, especially from Christian content creators.
What I am learning in this season from this warning, I believe whispered from God, is this…
Every word of knowledge, scriptural teaching, and opinion about the world around us needs localisation to bring about application and significant change. Preaching, teaching and reflection— should bring transformation, not comfort.
Who wrote the quote is just as important as my interpretation of it! Who filmed the clip is just as important as the message received. It is easy to listen to a podcast, but sitting with a pastor or counsellor on a couch and applying it holistically to our lives is more challenging.
It is easy to read a prophet’s post and accept it as gospel for our season, but the rigour required in interpreting the word involves skill. We all need accountability, but it’s unpopular in a world that prefers individualisation. Our over-saturated, content-rich worlds have created a buffet of inspiration that requires verification before we re-narrate its meaning for our lives.
This is why all social media apps this year have been removed from my phone. I am also attempting to decrease the number of people I listen to and consume online. I will use the time spent grazing to communicate deeply with a smaller group of people— in person and read the Bible for myself- with the Spirit of God bringing the application to my daily life.
Tomorrow night it begins with a group of local women pastors having dinner together once a month. I want to sit and listen to my local community’s needs and decrease the number of voices in my world. I’ve also said no to quite a few opportunities in my everyday life so I can focus more this year on finishing my master’s and learning more about my faith in this season with applied knowledge in my own life.
What big, courageous ideas have you been thinking about applying?
Whose opinions are noisy in your life?
How can you reframe their opinions through accountability and localisation?
I.e., how can you start to apply the inspiration rather than consume more and more ideas?
I’d love to hear your thoughts on my blog as I’m not on social media much this year, reframing my relationship with scrolling.
Creatively Yours,

My latest release is called Simplify. It is a series of journalling worksheets to help you find clarity.