Place: Milkd
Poison: Ginger and Lemongrass Tea
Favourite Things: Learn Thai Podcast
wan’der.lust’: A very strong or irresistible impulse to travel!
If I could choose one word to define my mood today it is wanderlust. I have such a strong desire and impulse to travel. Not because I want to run away, because I feel stressed or because I want to be somewhere else. Purely and simply because travel inspired this creative soul and being a tourist, experiencing new and crazy sights and sounds totally sets my inspirator on overload.
This last weekend, Penny, Rose and I became tourists in our own city, having a weekend away for Penny’s birthday. Becoming a tourist in your own city is a way to fight off wanderlust, however another way that I surrender my heart to this desire is by going to my local library and borrowing fiction and non fiction that will take me somewhere exciting.
Later in this year we are travelling to Thailand, so I got out every book on the shelf about thailand and was filled with Wanderlust.
Hmmm, the world is magnificent and wanderlust is a lust to wonder, ponder and discover places of the planet.
Up for it?
I am