In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.
Albert Camus
Today summer found our house, even though it was cold, our hearts were full of family.
My husband was home, our beach shack shone, one of my dearest friends visited and we watched the sun go down as a family with one of my nephews playing basketball at the beach.
No matter the season, there is always another awaiting.
Are you sick of the season that you are in?
Search and seek.
Rearrange and reflect.
Another season awaits.
I am learning to love the season that I am in, more than ever before.
Food on the floor, slow morning’s, watering our lime tree in my PJ’s.
In us always lies an invincible summer we just have to seek it out.
Ask and it will be given.
Seek and you will find.
Knock and the door will be opened.
If you are stuck in a season that frustrates you, look for the summer within.
Beauty is everywhere, somedays we just have to dig deep to find it.
Till we meet again