nature calling
I am undone. I have spent a day in meditation, prayer, reflection and in peace and I am nearly still. The nature here is breathtaking and my heart has stilled itself to a pace that is much slower than normal.
We think that saving the world is about busyness and competency, but no one can do anything without a good amount of balance and rest.
Today I walked slowly amongst the tropics here and spent the afternoon on a kayak and then sat in meditation and I am nearly quiet.
Walking to breakfast this morning was a lesson in nature, from frogs jumping onto the pebble-lined path, to lilies that I hadn’t even noticed when we arrived, life began to take on a different hue.
(to continue reading today’s chapter from capture 30 days of inspiration: desperate for change click the link below and download)
What is speaking to your soul today?
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See you tomorrow,