Do you ever feel focused one minute and then second guess everything the next?
As a family we have all these projects on the go and if I sit and write down everything that is happening, I start to feel really overwhelmed. There is a funny wrestle going on.
I know we are stepping into great new days but just as that shift occurs, I am confused at what is important and what is just in my head.
The wrestle of faith, is the tightrope we walk between will and favour. We walk a fine line between making stuff happen and taking brave steps of courage and the wisdom of the wait.
Lately I have ben working really hard and as I sat this afternoon meditating on truth and hope, I felt hope arise in my heart.
This was the scripture that encouraged me today was this one from 1 Samuel
“Now then, stand still and see this great thing the LORD is about to do before your eyes!”
There are times of rest and there are times of wrestle, there are times of wait and there are times of courage. I think the balance is knowing what is your season and what your intuition is saying is right for you.
The world would say hustle, but maybe you’re just not ready yet.
The world would say promote yourself, but maybe all you need is a few of the right people and the gold is unearthed.
The way it rolls for some, is not necessarily how it rolls for the rest of us. The world would say use my formula to success, I would say what is your gut saying?
This week I booked a session on skype with an amazing Coach. I have spent so much time investing into others, that I was determined to find some wisdom in this season of stretch for my next steps. One of the greatest stories she told was about her journey towards getting published. It was completely different to mine. In fact, she was approached to write a book specifically. Where I sit with my manuscript in my hand thinking “oh my goodness, what do I even do with this?”
Every journey towards our purpose is completely different. We hear tips on how someone has grown their followers online, we read an article on how to make your blog audience more engaged or we hear a message on an overseas Aid organisation and we think that is how it must be done.
The how is actually what is right for you and your season.
When we rush ahead, anxiety reigns.
When we don’t allow the challenge to grow our character, we go round the round about again.
When conflict comes and it doesn’t get resolved we keep feeling the depth of that lesson.
What is your intuition (God, your heart, wisdom, friends, season) saying right now?
Be brave step out.
Be still wait and see what comes.
Get prepared for what is coming next.
Resolve those issues from the past.
Every one of our stories is unique and our journey towards living a fulfilled life is won and lost in our wrestle with the inner voices and how we read our seasons.
Find peace.
Work hard.
Enter the wrestle.
Let go.
Move forward.
Find strength.
Live beyond yourself.
Be generous.
and you never know the amazing places you will go.
I know the message that is current for me right now is this…
Stand Still
And See what is about to happen.
How about you?