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be here now…

Place: Milkd

Poison: Skinny Cappuccino

Favourite Things: Thinking about lying on the couch!/ the rain outside/ 1 day till the weekend/ thinking about lying on the couch!

One thing that I try to remember these days is to intentionally engage in the moments that life and God throw at me. I used to live much of my life planning for what was to come; dwelling on what had gone by. I missed the beautiful moments in the present.

How often do we walk away from conversations thinking ‘What was that all about anyway?’ Most often this is because we spent the whole conversation with them completely in another zone!

Sometimes I am having such a great time that I use up the emotions of the moment planning for someone else to come back and share it with me at a later date. The stupid thing is that, no moment can ever be recreated exactly…When someone else is in that moment, it will already be different just because they are there. (have I lost you yet?)

I love this anonoymus quote ‘Now we should live when the pulse of life is strong. Life is a tenuous thing…fragile…fleeting…Don’t wait till tomorrow. Be here now! Be here now! Be here now!’

Being present in the moment is a learned skill. It is so easy to allow moments to pass by and without capturing them! Is your mum with you now? Tell her how much you appreciate and love her then, she may not be with you tomorrow. Did your friend completely rock at something? Then tell them, we all need to be encouraged in even the little things.

I spoke at hertime today, (a morning we hold every second week at Riverview just for chicks!) The morning was all about singleness and how to live that part of your world well. I met an 80 year old woman who has been single for 35 years and seriously she was the spunkiest woman i have EVER met!

Her name is Molly. She is simply fabulous! Molly talked about her walk with God over the long haul and how God has met here right in her hour of need. Molly, YOU ARE SENSATIONAL!!! (I wish I had a photo to show you how breathtaking she is and how she glows from the many years of living a fresh and interesting life) You capture the moments of life with such abandonment and I aim to be like you when I am 80. Living a full life of authentic inspiration. Being real, and saying when it is tough, but being present in every moment possible.

Be present, Be engaged. There is so much we can learn from in the simple, everyday moments.

Be here now!


6 thoughts on “be here now…

  1. Hey Amanda, loving the website over here, very fresh and inspiring – adds a lot to my day! Keep it coming, you express yourself so beautifully.

  2. Thanks so much Simone. We realy do miss you guys? BTW- how is Lima?




  4. hey Amanda,
    I just wanted to tell you how AMAZING you were @ HerTime yesterday. You really inspired me to live my Christian single life brilliantly! – you are an amazing lady and a beautiful singer, well done!
    luv Cath

  5. Hey Cath,

    Thanks so much darl.

    Hope your day is amazing


  6. Sorry I missed you speaking at HerTime…some gender issues excluded me, but it’s great to read what’s going on in your head and similarly great to hear you stepped up to the speaking mound onceagain. Gidiup! Keep running and resting hard.

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