Place: Hotel
Poison: Water
Favourite Things: The view from my window
Out my window as I work here right now, the view is absolutely breathtaking. I am in Sydney for a work confererence that we are working at and I spoke at, but the added bonus, of being in the rocks at Circular Quay in Sydney for a week is one I will never forget.
The creative space to find inspiration is beautiful. The people, the Manly Ferry, the bridge, the opera house and so much more.
For some the landscape of creation and its beauty is that which takes your breath away, but for me the pursuit of human acheivement and beating the odds of urban landscape takes me by surprise.
I love to walk anonomyus in a city that is so much bigger than I ever can be. I love to be lost in something that is so much bigger than me and provides perspective to the largeness and diversity of our world and how truly fragile we all are.
For me I live in a daily circumstance that makes me think that I am significant in the bigger picture of the worlds journey. However when I travel to a city that is full of 4million people of all different shapes, sizes, circumstances, lives and loves I truly get a proper perspective of the beauty of the masses.
I also see the beauty in the breakdown. The people who help another as they place $2 in a street persons styrofoam cup, the old man who holds his wife of 50 years hand as she crosses a busy street. There is beauty in the breakdown of society, you just need to look for it.
Sydneytime, you have allowed me to breathe, reflect and find some perspective in the midst of a lamentation type of season.