I sat in the midst of our overgrown lawn today, enjoying the depth of its green chards. Spring is so close to being here and taking a moment to just be, helped me discover a moment of inspiration.
It is easy to produce perfection if you have a big budget and a staff of many.
There is much to be said, for the organic, the momentary, the raw, the urban and all that brews.
I sat reading my frankie magazine and its been a long time since I have bought one. Nappies and all things toddler have been a higher priority on my shopping list.
I decided I needed a little inspiration kick today, after a big month of giving out, I needed to refill again.
A magazine, a coffee and an appointment booked for this afternoon for a massage.
Not a normal day in the life of this novice mum, but one necessary if I am to continue to embrace the chaos of this new season.
I turned up a new playlist on my spotify account and I breathed deep.
What I discovered from Frankie this afternoon though, was that its lost its edge. Yes, it is inspiring…
Yes, it is filled with many things I love and I want…
but I found myself surprised that the first few pages were full of adverts and not ones that were organic, edgy and made me want to go and discover more.
Frankie has sold out.
I was discussing a project with a couple this week in a mentoring forum and I found myself saying ‘Don’t sell out to the corporate opportunities’.
A different way of describing it is ‘Stay wild’.
Creative people, stay wild.
Don’t allow the crowd to domesticate you.
One of my favourite books to read to my little man Maximus, is ‘Where the Wild Things are’.
Imagine if we remained wild in our thinking, our imagination and our pursuits.
Don’t sell out to the crowd, creative ones.
Find your song and sing it.
Refine your song and play it.
Find your place and own it.
Don’t let the big boys tell you how you should ride.