Some days I am overwhelmed at how little I know.
It was not until I had a little child, did I realise how much in our world is grey.
I threw myself into motherhood, thinking I knew so much…18 months later, it is motherhood that is teaching me so much about myself.
I am learning. Ever learning.
That in itself is a blessing.
To learn.
To grow.
To stretch.
The most unpleasant of circumstance, but the most rewarding of substance.
This week I joined Linkdin a crazy exercise in humility. Writing about myself and seemingly promoting myself to a whole new audience, is not something that comes easily. It opens up a new space of vulnerability and opportunity at the same time.
Reflecting on past experiences in the workforce, looking at my life on a page and then creating new networks.
On one hand, exciting to see what people I haven’t seen in a long time are doing, also really confronting about what my now is truly about.
I am being distilled.
I am finding truly what my purpose is.
First and foremost I am a mother, a wife, a family maker.
To find purpose in this most noble career, is a delight and a sacrifice in one.
One that finds me ever learning.
My little Max, got his first proper bike today and it made me realise something so profound. He won’t always be mine.
In fact, he was never mine in the first place. He was God’s first. Before the earth was formed, God knew him, God created him, God designed his little nose, his munted shaped ear.
Ever Learning.
Those who don’t stop to reflect and process what they are ever learning, find an overwhelmed crowded heart appears and just don’t know what to do with it.
Take time dear friends, to process and acknowledge what you are ever learning.
Process. Define. Rest. Recover. Review. Communicate
Become a scholar at ever learning.
Life is a whisper
Listen carefully there is much to discover.
Mumma V