George, South Africa
3 January 2025
Anna Elizabeth Viviers is 89 and she has inspired me over the last few weeks, more than any other. She is curious, cheeky and deeply contemplative. Visiting Charl’s Ouma has been the healing gift I didn’t realise my heart needed.
We were driving around doing some daily tasks, shopping, paying bills and we came across a retirement home. Discussing what it is like to live in retirement years, she defiantly said “Eighty is not old!”
I laughed out loud. I am feeling every day of my forty eight years and then suddenly perspective gained. Of course we are only as old as we allow ourselves to feel, but hearing Anna Ouma articulate it so compellingly my sights were once again reframed higher.
Michelle Obama said “When they go low, we go high” and it’s a quote that I shape my life by. Observing my son’s change in tone from the impact of one year at high-school, I realise that it is a cold and harsh world in the teenage years. We easily shape ourselves to the culture we are surrounded by.
Age is subjective and challenges, turmoil and tension layer the impact of the stories we carry. However, our hearts were designed to live expansively, with eternity opening up the beauty of forever.
Last month I read Ecclesiastes and King Solomon, was burdened by the stories of his days. If we read this chapter of the Bible, without perspective of the meta narrative, it’s easy to think that nothing is new under the sun. He shouts life is meaningless, it is filled with challenge and difficulty— why bother? He allowed the culture, conversation and challenge of the days to lower his gaze. He went low.
Perspective enables our courage to expand amid the conflict. To a 89 year old, 80 is not old! When one expands their thinking to the viewpoint of eternity, we are able to think higher.
God Set Eternity in the Heart of Mankind
He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart, without the possibility that mankind will find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.
— Ecclesiastes 3:11
This verse spoke so deeply to my soul, because I could not see a pathway forward. I was hemmed in, backed into a corner and had lost courage. I allowed the culture surrounding me to convince me that everything was meaningless.
Why bother?
2024 was my Solomon era, it took the wind out of my sails. Conflict, discouragement, set backs and challenge surrounded me and it started to seep into my heart. I truly stood facing the decision to give up, walk away and let discouragement win.
Then I read this chapter of scripture. Reminding myself that everything is made beautiful in its time. Even though at times we fail, we are offended and we can’t see a way through to a more peaceful place, there is an expansive place within each person. An eternal one. Let that sink in …
You have eternity set within your heart. Imagine that for a moment.
What does a high place feel like for you?
Is there a hint of expansiveness in your soul?
Does that eternal expansion allow movement in your soul towards hope?
Thinking about this place inside helps me to take deep, deep breaths. It brings a smile to my face. This place helps me imagine hope for a better tomorrow. It is a tidal pool of swirling perspective compelling me higher.
The twinkle in Anna’s eye is motivated by this eternal perspective. She whispered to me late at night, over a cup of tea last week “Amanda, I don’t just want to breathe, I want to live.”
When our body starts to fail us and our years slow the stories we tell, a perspective is gained that only wisdom can carve out—live, larger, because eternity awaits.
Creatively Yours,