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christmas with friends, family and loved ones…

Place: Andrea’s

Poison: Coffee

Favourite Things: This season of Christmas

We sat next to Andrea’s pool this evening, and enjoyed friends, family and christmas. Fine food (andrea’s cooking is amazing!!) and stupid, crazy conversation, but too me it so felt like Christmas.

A long table, with a sweet table decoration, Christmas has definately come to town.

For me the smell of summer, burn off’s in the background, BBQ’s, wine, family, tinsel (as much as I despise it), cool tunes, yummy food. All mean that Santa Claus is coming to town.

What says yep its Christmas for you?

For Irish Mike sitting at our table tonight, this totally does not feel like Christmas…

One day, real soon I hope, when I’m all grown up! I am taking my family to a little villiage on the bottom of the Swiss Alps, or a villiage in Tuscany and we will have a white Christmas with snow, turkey, jumpers and thermals.

Till then, BBQ’s by the pool, with lots of friends and family. Spa’s and lots of kids running wild, waking up wearing summer pjs whilst we open our presents, sweating sitting at church with 40 degree heat, is Christmas for this Santa’s little helper.

Bring it on, I say.

from the ultimate Christmas Groupie!




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Place: Andreas House

Poison: Glass of Hunter Valley Mt Pleasant, Semillion

Favourite Things: Bowl of Pasta with boccocini and mushroom


This afternoon I downloaded Brooke Frasers new album Albertine, from Itunes. I was so excited to see my great friend’s album (only released in Australia on itunes) is already number 3 on the Itunes Album chart! Gold.

She is an amazing girl, who lives her life with abandonment to see music connect people with their maker. The album is on my ipod and sure to become the most played over the next months.

Her last album Arithmetic, still is an all time favourite.

Check it out, download it, legally not illegally, because she’s totally worth it.

On ya Brookey



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Place: My Office

Poison: Diet Coke

Favourite Things: Crystal Lewis Christmas Album! GOLD…

In last weeks staff meeting Phil was speaking about this word ‘Epichoregeo’ and it completely caught my attention…

I googled this greek word and there were only 734 pages that include this word, on the prolific web is quite small.

It is derived from the greek version of the scriptural passage: 2 Peter 1: 5, which is all about adding to your faith with all dilegence.

The coolest thing about this word, is its definition is ‘going to the extra expense of hiring or have a chorus’. In greek times, the greek tragedies always had a chorus, but in those days having 50 extras, just to sing a few songs throughout the lengthy tragedies was quite extravagant for a producer, director or whomever was coordinating the show. The verb originates in the expression ‘at the expense of the chorus’.

Epichoregeo in reference to 2 Peter 1: 5 and in turn our everyday life, means to go to extra expense, to provide more than is barely demanded. Not in a materialistic sense, but in living a life of generousity and faith in people.

If someone asks you to do something and you say yes, then do it with due dilegence. Do it ‘at the expense of the chorus’, a contemporary version ‘go above and beyond the call of duty’ or ‘Go the extra mile’.

Why you say?

No reason at all, but to make it better. I am sure the greek tragedies would have been fine without the nuiances, the harmonies and the emotion of the 50 piece chorus (choir), however epichoregeo means at the expense of the chorus, it adds, it layers, it defines, it exhorts, it deepens, it broadens and makes the whole experience so much better for all.

My thought today, why do I in event management spend hours trying to make something different, why do I spend hours finding something really specific for a theme, when giving a present, why do I take the time to go above and beyond. ‘At the expense of the Chorus’

Providing more than is barely demanded.

Just because I can and want to live a rich, full, creative and chorus filled life.


Miss Ellys birthday dinner this week…



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the annual GTC cookie Bake off!

Place: My Office

Poison: Cappucino

Favourite thing: Carols by Candle light battery operated candle!

Next Thursday, one week from today, please beware if you live anywhere near North Perth. It has been declared a public holiday in Green Tea Cup land and is officially a day of remeberance as the annual ‘GTC Christmas Cookie Bake off competition!’

This is a competition where we the GTC, get to show off and compete against our sisters in our domestic prowess. No-where in the rule book does it say, that I cannot Blog about it, and ask my lovely readers (esp all you groakers- I see the stats, there are hundreds of you who don’t comment) for their favourite cookie recipe.

I am going to win this year. I am determined. I am assured. I need your help. I am humble!!

Write or send me your recipes!!!!!!!

Here is a very serious pic from last years competition.

GTCC2 (1).jpg

Jingle those bells



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how I love thee

Place: My Office

Poison: Water

Favourite Things: Ben Harper from Itunes…

My lovely friend Hannah sent this through via email and it reminded me of an article I read this week. The article challenged its readers not to fall into a land of entropy by relaxing through television, computer games or dvds, but in the place of relaxation to do something that stretches the imagination.

When we veg out, especially at the end of the year, when the sound of Christmas carols and New Years resolutions make our tired, haggard grey hairs curl. All we want to do is lie on the couch and watch DVD’s and chill. I know I do…But the author of this article, challenges us to get outside, to read poetry, to do something for the first time. Which I have been trying to do. Go do a gym class you have never done before, read a book of your bookshelf that has collected dust for years or read poetry.

Yeah you may not understand the cuplets and rythymn that the word groupings were intended for, but it will bring a fresh sense of wow, into your stale Christmas pudding kind of everyday.

Here is one now, an email from Miss Hannah this morning.


“How do I love thee? Let me count the ways…”
by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806-1861) 


How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints, — I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life! — and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death

Get Poetic, not pathetic at the end of the year, its worth a try anyway.

Get outside the box this Christmas