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Place: Milkd

Poison: Long Black

Favourite Things: Scarf from Sydney

I heard someone say recently that the origin of the word inspire is ‘breath life into’.

This thought made me stop in my tracks, because there are real moments of inspiration when I do feel like the very breath of life has been excited within me.

When we are sick and are short of breath, that feeling of hopelessness, can be all consuming. When we are surrounded by people who are sick, we can begin to breath short breaths and take on the symptoms or the depression of their sickness due to proximity.

Inspiration, is digging deep and finding the true essence of life and the breath of an amazing creator, who wants us all to live a life in deeper conversation with him.

Having defining moments, thinking moments, creative moments, crazy moments, spontaneous moments, should not be once a year occurances. I so believe that there is inspiration in the everyday, you just have to learn how to look for it!

No matter what your lot in life is right now, there is inspiration to be found. Those moments that you cannot manufacture, but moments that you can create a fertile landscape for them to grow.

When was the last time you did something for the first time? When was the last time you went out of your compfort zone because you put yourself there? When was the last time you made steps towards seeing some of your life visions and dreams realised?

That is the land of inspiration. They are the destinations where that breath taken glance at a bigger life can be found.

Breathe deep, there is inpiration to be found, you just have to learn where to look for it!


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