Posted on 2 Comments

the annual GTC cookie Bake off!

Place: My Office

Poison: Cappucino

Favourite thing: Carols by Candle light battery operated candle!

Next Thursday, one week from today, please beware if you live anywhere near North Perth. It has been declared a public holiday in Green Tea Cup land and is officially a day of remeberance as the annual ‘GTC Christmas Cookie Bake off competition!’

This is a competition where we the GTC, get to show off and compete against our sisters in our domestic prowess. No-where in the rule book does it say, that I cannot Blog about it, and ask my lovely readers (esp all you groakers- I see the stats, there are hundreds of you who don’t comment) for their favourite cookie recipe.

I am going to win this year. I am determined. I am assured. I need your help. I am humble!!

Write or send me your recipes!!!!!!!

Here is a very serious pic from last years competition.

GTCC2 (1).jpg

Jingle those bells



2 thoughts on “the annual GTC cookie Bake off!

  1. groakers or lurkers??

    the best recipe, not necessarily a cookie as such, but damn fine anyway:
    take 250g butter, 1/2 can of condensed milk, 1 Tsp of golden syryp, 1 pack of crushed malt biscuits, a pinch of salt. melt all the ingredients together and mix, add the crushed bisuits and press into a flat pan, cover with coconut and put in the fridge till it sets. is even better with eskimo lollies in the mix. my favourite – used to eat the whole thing in one sitting.

  2. woops yes!

    groaking is looking at someone elses food and longing for it.

    lurking, are those people who are in the habit of lurking in the background of someones website and not making a comment.

    The thing is for this particular post, you could be a lurker and a groaker at the same time while reading someones recipe and wishing you could eat it now.

    So what would that be? a gurker…

    new word match.

    lovin my peru mates from afar


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