Place: My Office
Poison: Water and berocca
Favourite things: Vanilla Hand cream
Well it has been a crazy old time and if i even began to write about it you would be bored. So here I am back at the writing desk, with a new laptop, the other one karked it, and a new sense of wow about the everyday.
I love the thought of living my everyday in the perspective of generations rather than just me, my selfish desires and my life.
Here is a picture of Charlie Grace! My adorable God daughter whom I hung out with this week at a family wedding.
I am astounded that half of this year has flown by already, but I know one day soon I will be at Charlie’s wedding marvelling at days gone by, and how a whole generation passes without much thought by the one gone by.
I long to pass on an amazing legacy to charlie and her mates.
I long to be someone who inspires a generational mindset.
Do you?