Place: church
Poison: diet coke
Favourite things: dunsborough packing terribly!
Between the idea and the action lies the shadow
T.S elliot
I have had quite a chilling week in the land of my next book. Kym lost some of the photos when her hard drive crashed and truthfully I gave up. I lost the battle…
Then I heard this quote today on church. The shadow tried to take over…
I chatted with phil about my feeling of hopelessness regarding this project and he told me a story of a man, who spoke his own book word for word, because he was paralysed and couldn’t write. It took him a whole year to record the twenty tapes ready for publishing, then in a tragic accident someone ruined all of the tapes on the way to the typist!
Phil said that when asked about the loss of his life work, the author said oh well it only means I have a chance to make it better.
I need to find that sort I robustness in the shadow, because finding the strength to take something from an idea to an actual action is tiring.
Fight the shadow and see your dreams realized.
Even when it hurts.
Thanks for this post Amanda, I needed to hear that quote too…