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Place: barchetta

Poison: cap and carrot cake

Favourite things: the bloke and U2 latest album!

I am at a cafe that over looks the beach with my note pad and I am inspired!! This week my car was broken into and paintings I really loved and books that are irreplacable because of my copious notes, my painting class materials and signed copies of beloved albums all gone!

For me when things are stolen it’s not material possesions, but personal persuasions that are irreplacable that rob the heart not just our possessions.

But today after a stunning event last night with more than 1000 men, speaking about blokey stuff, I have just decided to let these treasures go and not let the person who took them also rob my peace.

A lesson in creative kindness, not allowing dissapointment to rock your everyday moments.

So whoever has my clumsy artwork and my beloved books… I pray you enjoy them as much as I did!!