Place: Lounge Room
Poison: Water
Favourite Things: Mark and Vickie Reddy in town
Between Christmas and New Year this photo was taken of my family on a holiday down south where we took time just to be with one another.
Our world is so full of speed and demands, to take time to rest and recreate together is such an important part of a creative lifestyle.
I miss my family times like this, just recently they all went away camping and I didn’t go away, and I truly am the worse for it.
How often do the seemingly urgent, take from the important. Diaires are often determined by the loudest voice rather than the most integral.
How often do those closest to you, recieve the leftovers or are on the end of the days tasklist?
It’s ony through contemplation and meditation, can we truly fade out the urgent and determine the important in our everyday.
In a world that will never be satisfied with no, it is imperative that we shout it loudly at that which bombards us.
Creativity is only fresh in the midst of a fertile ground, fertilised by soul care.
Refresh your diary and therefore your mind.