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Place: Lounge Room

Poison: Flat white

Favourite Things: Spring, spring and more of spring

I lasted the whole of winter without a cold and here I am on a lovely spring day the sun is beaming, my strawberries in a pot are bursting to be picked and Im inside watching a movie because I have the sniffles.

A little more than a sniffle, its a bit more like a bark, but the movie I am watching is so inspiring. Not really about the topic, although it is important to watch the life of Milk and learn from the absolute judgementalism. I was inspired by the business that Milk and his partner started a camera shop in downtown San Fransisco.

A shop where it encouraged people to take photos in the everyday and they came together as a community to protest and live the life that they were created to live.

This movie is confronting on so many levels, but to be inspired to use creativity and specifically your camera to promote and seek justice is so compelling.

Im ready to go and find an old camera in an op shop and get shooting.