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Place: the liberty diving resort

Poison: coffee instant (I know, I know)

Favourite things: afternoon massages by the pool

The liberty diving resort sounds very flash, but in fact we are in a very small village in the north of Bali, diving on a shipwreck called the US Liberty.

What is so divine, is that I have been talking about the word liberty, non stop on my long service leave. Even to the point if I was to get a tattoo, that’s the word I think I would emblazon on my body.

I have been thinking about the difference between Liberty and Freedom. As one of my Favourite scripture talks about bringing freedom and liberty to the oppressed. Those who don’t have much. The poor, the children, the slaves, the widows, the orphans.

I have been mulling on Freedom, being the act of being set free and Liberty is living a life beyond the oppression. I’m not sure if that’s the actual dictionary delineation, but that’s my summation from lots of time of thought and rest.

For so long I have lived in a free country, I am free to worship wherever I want, as a woman I am free to walk down the street by myself, I am free to vote, I am free to write this blog. I am free.

However the longer my mind has space to switch off from the everyday, work, busyness, life stresses…I realise that I don’t really live with Liberty. My mind so often worries about people, worries that I have upset someone, I want to be in control so I feel safe, I need to know the ins and outs….I am realising Liberty for me, is being set free, day in day out from worry, control, people pleasing and stress.

What’s your place of Liberty?

Because as I scuba dived through a massive ship that was torpedoed by the Japanese in the second world war, I was deeply challenged to just seriously let go. Living in liberty.

Trying anyway….


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