Place: home
Poison: second half of the 600ml coke zero bottle from yesterday
Favorite things: long walks with my sister
Today I had a plan of what my exercise was to be, however intrigue got the better of me.
At family night last night there was a discussion about a big block of land in a great location with a fallen down shack on it, for a great price.
That’s all I needed for some exploration and dreaming.
So instead of walking my 6km plan, google maps was out and a searching my sister and I went.
Both of us have mortgages, both of us are not looking to buy, but intrigue got the better of us.
We walked and walked and walked, till my ankles hurt. Street after street, we talked and chatted, dreamed and counseled, until we found what we were looking for…
We crept around the old shack, which is five minutes from the sea, I dreamed about vegi patches and Max running wild. I looked in the smoky windows and saw the cigarette stained wallpaper peeling off, the old carpet which I wondered whether the floorboards underneath had potential.
Then the most massive shed, built with old shingles that would be a perfect studio, another shed for Charls tool.
This is what intrigue does!
The whole way home, no longer did my sister have a conversation partner I was lost in my own world, suddenly selling the shack we own and becoming a renovator again.
How did this happen?
How did I get lost in this moment of creativity?
It all came from intrigue.
Intrigue rears its cute little face and we can so often ignore it and say no I don’t have time to entertain you.
What might happened if you entertained your healthy intrigue sometime?
What might happen if you went for a walk to check out an opportunity?
My intrigue lead to creative ideas for coffee shops, businesses and design ideas. The flow of ideas unleashed was untamed and amazing.
Allow yourself to entertain intrigue you never know what that impulse might lead you to. A solution, some potential or an idea that could change your life!
I’d love to have that cuppa with you sooner rather than later!
You’re speaking my language here, veggie patch, coffee shops and businesses.
That’s my dream. A shop with a a connected coffee shop.
I love it. And I cannot wait!!