Late night inter-web scrolling left me feeling a little numb last night.
I remembered this morning though, reading another parenting article which shamed me (sorry), encouraged me with three things I have to say to my child everyday, for them to be a good human.
One of which was this ‘I see you.’
What an unusual thought.
I see you.
Of course I see him. Of course I see her.
They are both in my face every waking moment and sometimes moments when I am sleep walking around as well.
These words kind of echoed and made a memory in my heart, so I have been musing over them all morning.
Today marks the first of December and I am attempting to finish the year well, by using these writing prompts to capture moments and create lasting memories with my littles.
Describe a moment from today that you want to always remember?
There are many already and it is only 8.58am.
The moment when he tasted chocolate from his first advent calendar and then proceeded to have a major melt down because he wanted number six now as well.
The deep breath she took as she floated off into her morning sleep, snuggled perfectly under the pink blanket, so soft and all-consuming.
The moment I stood in the shower, washing away the weariness of the early, early morning, feeding, playing, changing, mummy-ing, convincing, face-timing, train building, kissing, goodby-ing and texting my dearest ones.
When I found the words ‘I see you’ tumbling out of my mouth to a tantruming two-year old, who was frustrated as my attention was distracted by his newborn sister.
Everyday, Ordinary Moments, that I will one day wish back again.
Memories of a very first Christmas,
Longings for Michael Bublé playing carols over breakfast,
Moments of beauty amongst ruins…
This morning before 9am, I have contacted a friend who was holding her husbands ashes as she decides where they may rest, a friend who is away with her husband’s family as they grieve the loss of their sister, chatted over text with a friend whose birthday it is today, someone who broke up with a boyfriend last night, read an email from an older friend who lost her husband a month ago, who received the crocheted blanket I sent her. Everyday stories, that required acknowledgement and memory making.
The stories go on and on, and they linger longer.
Everyday moments, when people share their stories.
‘I see you.’
I see you friend who is hoping for a Christmas miracle,
I see you Mum who is tired from a night of broken sleep and restless baby,
I see you beautiful woman who is contemplating divorcing her husband,
I see you.
Every one of these stories is present today in my everyday moments.
Memories I don’t want to forget.
Memories, mixed with opportunities to acknowledge the stories of hurting people, hidden in everyday moments, awaiting discovery.
Seeing someone is as simple as acknowledging them in your life.
I see you this Christmas, even when you would rather forget these everyday, ordinary moments this December.
Wow! Very poignant – very thought provoking.
You have an incredible way with words & you seem to do people so well. Inspired
Thankyou Fluer-Elise, you love people well as well. Xxoo happy December
So, so beautiful. Xxx
Thanks Elaine. How’s the new book going?
Beautiful A,
It so important to have people that see you in both the good times and the hard.
May you be blessed with people who see you too, this Christmas.
Thanks Jodie. You are such an encourager!
I see you! Xxx
Thanks meg.
You made me leak … In a good way ????
Oh good leaks. They are like rain on a hot summers eve. Thankyou Rachel. XXOO