In the month of June I wrote at the top of my family calendar ‘Have eyes that see’. My Grandmother who is 93 years young, has pretty much lost her sight, so I know what it is like for someone really close to me to live with eyes that are compromised. A sense that we often take for granted, becomes truly life changing when it is lost.
The funny thing is wherever we go, my Grandma knows exactly where we are. She gives me directions, she tells me off for using my phone whilst driving, her sense of hearing, touch and taste are refined so well, that she is totally present.
My grandma see’s, but not too well with her physical eyes.
She perceives.
Sometimes to the point that she is scary.
The quote I wrote at the top of my family calendar hanging in our kitchen, had more to do with my perceiving as a woman of wisdom rather than what I was visually focusing on in my days.
I love this quote from Camille Pissaro;
Blessed are those who see beautiful things in humble places, where other people see nothing.
In my days of Novice Motherhood I am surrounded by many humble things. Moments when I try to wish away the tantrums and usher in better days. Wisdom is teaching me however, to find beauty in the messy moments, to laugh when all I want to do is cry, to look for other people who are struggling and to find blessing in my weakness.
Each and everyone of us have humble moments.
Bank balances that cause fear and trembling as the eftpos card is awaiting its acceptance,
Misunderstandings between family members that make us feel small,
Even winter in its weather, that stops us from reaching out from the walls of our homes that shut us out from our neighbours.
I love the depth of this proverb
Proverbs 31: 20
She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.
This picture of a woman of wisdom is so open, fresh and inviting.
She doesn’t just throw money at those who are less fortunate to her, she throws wide open her whole self and extends her hands, practically to make a difference.
Not only do I want to live a life where I open my arms and hands to those who are financially hard shipped, I want to see those who are lonely, I want to find beauty for those who have lost their hope, I want to walk with people who are a little lost and looking for their home.
I truly want to see.
I don’t want to stand alongside the lady at the playground with my head in my phone.
I don’t want to stare off into the distance in the shopping queue, tapping my foot, asking the lady to hurry.
I don’t want to miss moments with my children, when they learn something new or are struggling.
I want to see.
How about you?
Are you so full with noise on the inside of your story, that you are unable to see another’s pain?
This my friend is the call of wisdom.
Day nine click here: She is trusted by those closest to her…