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When an everyday girl becomes a whole hearted creative ninja


I may not look like a ninja, with a black hood and swift flexible moves but there is a part of my heart that is being refined so deeply that I feel like I can take on the world. One story at a time.

Over the last few years I have become a Brene Brown fan girl freak. I know this sounds a little strange coming from a woman with two children, who is heading towards the fresh new landscape of her forties but she is seriously so on point.

She makes me think of stories and memories hidden in the deep recesses of my soul, that I thought only Jesus could see in those hidden heart shaped rooms.

As I have been reading “Rising Strong”, there has been a training camp happening in my heart. It is like I have been at heart ninja boot camp and I feel myself letting go. I am seeing past destructive behaviours as I nod slowly concurring with her words. I am realising that I am not the only person on the planet who struggles with shame, guilt, pleasing people, failure and sometimes just wishing I had shut my mouth.

Why a ninja?

Lately I have been smiling whenever I call myself a ninja, because it is the furtherest description from my everyday reality but there is something about ninja’s that seems so purposed.

They run around in the background, making changes, swiftly and softly doing work that no one knows about. They don’t call attention to themselves but they get stuff done. I want to be a whole hearted creative ninja, whose life and path is so refined that I stop looking towards my past, stuck but I look forward and rise strong.

Brene Brown in the introduction of Rising Strong calls people like this, something a little stronger. She would call us “bad asses”.

You have found yourself here in our online book club, because you are wanting some sort of change. You are reading her book because you want to Rise again after failure, you want to make changes in your everyday that lead to living a life of influence and purpose. She describes you this way…

“People who wade into discomfort and vulnerability and tell the truth about their stories are the real badasses.”
Brené Brown, Rising Strong

This month we are going to tell the truth. We are going to face our pain and our shame and we are going to wade through this book of hope, starting discussions that hopefully make a difference.

As you start this journey of wrestle with the deep things she delves into, you may not feel like a “ninja” or a “badass”, you may feel like a complete failure, who never finishes anything. Or you might find yourself in a season of transition, wondering how you could ever start again. You might find yourself in a place of confusion unsure of what you have to offer the world.

“There are too many people today who instead of feeling hurt are acting out their hurt; instead of acknowledging pain, they’re inflicting pain on others. Rather than risking feeling disappointed, they’re choosing to live disappointed. Emotional stoicism is not badassery. Blustery posturing is not badassery. Swagger is not badassery. Perfection is about the furthest thing in the world from badassery.”
Brené Brown, Rising Strong

Why don’t you take time to watch this video from Brene our author of choice this month…

I think there is a whole group of people who are going to come out of these discussions, just waiting to take on the world with their new whole hearted super powers.

Owning our stories,

Facing the pain of rejection, loss and grief,

Taking time to recalibrate our sense of purpose,

Rising strong in the midst of great and glorious failure.

My Book club question for the beginning of our journey is this…

What stops you from commenting on blogs such as this?

Fear, Shame, Worry what others will think, Not wanting to sound stupid.

I too struggle with all of these things when commenting on people’s writing. Chat below and let’s start this conversation with open hearts.

Every Friday, Monday with Elaine and Wednesday’s with Jodie we will be writing a chapter each, asking one question for online discussion for this online book club. If you want to get a copy of Brene’s Book Rising Strong CLICK HERE.

See you next friday new and older blogging friends,


10 thoughts on “When an everyday girl becomes a whole hearted creative ninja

  1. This really struck a chord with me – leaving me feeling a bit teary – failure, transition and confusion are all places that I have been – commenting isn’t hard for me – mainly to encourage others but not always coming from a place of my truth. I may have been taught that’s being selfish – ready to open up that place to the Light of Truth and to rewrite the final quarter of my life with God’s help and a willingness to accept change. Feeling new hope and excitement about the present and the future and burying the past once and for all…………. <3

    1. Wow what a brave and really moving comment. Thankyou so much for your honesty and your encouragement is always so great for me. I appreciate you. Xxoo

  2. I worry that what I say will sound stupid as well, or be that it will be taken the wrong way and that I will inadvertently offend someone. I do the same as Kath, I am happy to encourage someone, but to share … that’s a different matter.

    I love the idea of owning our stories, but I know that there is also a part of me that is not sure if the risk is worth the stuff we have to go through!

    1. I feel exactly the same. Even replying to comments I find hard because I don’t want to sound silly or devalue people’s words and time.

  3. This is ultra scarey for me – stepping RIGHT OUT of my comfort zone… My thoughts are: Who will see it? Are my observations relevant? Will I be misunderstood? So, “Hello Vulnerability!”

    1. I am so so proud of you and smiled when I saw your comment. Step one. yes! love seeing your name here and your thoughts are brilliant.

  4. Wow! I actually pressed “Post Comment”!

  5. I think it’s amazing to see that others feel similarly to how i so often feel….I think the comments above have put words around insecurities I wouldn’t have been able to…sometimes it seems easier to ignore them 🙂

  6. […] month ago I was feeling quite secure and emotionally okay. THEN my friends Amanda and Jodie and I read Rising Strong by Brené Brown and decided to start an online book club. NOW […]

  7. […] we’ve made it to Chapter Four. Amanda’s become a ninja and is having an online personality […]

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