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The aftermath

Place: surfers paradise

Poison: cold rock icecream

Favorite things: international friends

The morning after a big event is always my quandary. There is a afterglow of adrenalin, there are sore feet, sore heads, decorations to be packed up, suits to be dry cleaned and memories to be reminisced.

The hard tasks seem to take longer, the memories colour each conversation of the day.

Today has been an aftermath type of day. Not too much pack up or tasks, but a lot of memories, stories and solid conversations.

I love sharing moments and memories with a group of people. The stories to be told, the laughter to be shared, the photos to be captured.

I know that having friendships and long term friends can have their hard times. However the amazing moments in life, the afterglow of memories made, color our days with vivid tones.

Who do you share your memories and stories?

Are you celebrating moments with friends and remembering the hard and good times?

Retell your memories, make great moments and live life with those you love.

Delight in the afterglow of community,

I love it…


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