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Sardines in the cupboard

Place: My Office

Poison: Diet Coke

Favourite Things: my travel plans for January that were booked today!!!


(Spot Bryce)

Last night, this crazy group of people, ran a muck in the Mounts Bay Apartments. It was our final connect group for the year, and we had a big dinner together, then randomly Tracy suggested we play sardines.

Okay, for those more mature people reading, the thought of playing a game with a big group of people (especially when your 30) is not that cool. However I beg to differ.

For some reason, the stress that was relieved, by running around a pitch dark apartment, with 15 other people was just the medicine that this little soul needed.

Sardines- is when one couple hide, then the rest of the couples need to come and find them and hide with them quietly until the rest of the crew find them.

However trying to stay quiet with 15 people squashed into a cupboard, with clothes, shoes and sweat all around is hilarious.

So for the stressed out there, gather a group and play sardines, it is water for the soul!!!

Very immature, very funny, GOLD!



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