Place: My Office
Poison: Diet Coke
Favourite Things: new imate phone…(ahh, at last…no more brick)
Well, this time of year brings out the worst in all of us. After two days of a really strained neck and trying to keep all the plates spinning, this afternoon I had a bit of reflection time. Is stress circumstantial or is it our response to situations.
Its a bit of both, but is totally a choice on our behalf.
Stress is a part of our everyday lives, no matter what we do, it rears its ugly head. Whether its in another country and your completely out of your comfort zone, whether its family tragedy, whether its a work transition, with a new port folio, whether its a change in cities for work, whatever the circumstance, stress is laying around in the background, doing everything that it can to make its way forward.
I am all for processing, don’t get me wrong. I am Miss Verbal processor number 1, however offense is a choice and so is stress.
There is also a positive side to stress, its called adrenelin and in the area of production it helps me maintain momentum at times of high task orientation. However bad stress, causing relational breakdown, unfair responses and irrational worrying is totally a choice as well.
I need help in this, and some of you might have some thoughts, but I so want to get better in this area, but still maintain the momentum and adrenilin to live a large life.
Any thoughts?
Hey Amanda,
I totally understand (the whole transcontintental move and all) and am reflecting a bit on that verse in James 1 where we can ask for wisdom and then not doubt that we have it – we need wisdom to deal with the situations that present themselves (expected or not) so that we can pass the tests and trials – with obedience and honour being the result we place in front of God. Tough to balance but we are never alone or given more than we can bear. I need to keep remembering this too!
Cheers, Simone
I totally agree with Simone. Its the old adage that we only get what we ask for and so we have to keep asking our Creator who knows us best (because he made us!!!) for what we need. I often reflect on the times in the bible where Jesus knew what people needed before they asked- whether it be healing or any other need but he always waited until they asked – specifically for what they wanted. I think often we have the attitude that God knows what we need so we forget to ask and then He has His hands tied…Amanda, keep asking God for exactly what you need and the wisdom for the ask! You are well equipped with great people around you and a great history of being in His will. Love and kisses, mwa
These are great thoughts and a great topic Amanda. A few years ago I learnt what happens when I let stress control me and not the other way round. It was a big learning curve and took me a good 2 years to get back to full health. The big lessons I learnt was no matter what is going on I must BREATHE. It might seem like a simple thing but often when our bodies are in high stress this simple but extremely important thing goes out the window. The other thing I learnt is what I feel your blog is all about. We need to stop, process, remember the good things about this life,celebrate the good and the bad and most importantly lean on God at ALL times. – Great thoughts! Love ya
wow, girls thanks heaps for your thoughts. They are great. Simone and Annie, not sure how you guys have been able to shift countries and move your family right out of your comfort zones and remain peace full!
My thoughts are with my international friends often…
Much love