Recently I was asked to do some consultancy on Event Management Debriefing. One key request from the client was for a debrief meeting overview that they could work through after a major event.
It’s been a long time since I have been an event manager, so I searched and searched and couldn’t find the meeting overview for a effective team debrief after an event I wrote a long time ago.
So I designed a new one and here is is to download for free;
Back in the day, I would plonk everyone in the room who was involved and slug it out.
Today, I would do an event debrief very differently.
I would hold two different kinds of meetings.
1) Individual meetings with key team leaders.
2) A combined event forward planning meeting with all key players in the room.
Before the individual meetings would happen, I would ask the team leaders to consider the questions I have included in the overview above you can download for free.
At the combined team meeting, I would set clear boundaries (in the document above) about how the meeting is going to be run.
Hope this is helpful.
Debriefing is one of my least favourite parts of event management but I have found the quality of an event is always dependant on the teams ability to authentically debrief, learning from past events and building into the future.
Speak tomorrow,