Place: Office
Poison:Long Black
Favourite Things: My mum sitting behind me reading a book!
Some days are bleak, some days are dull, then once in a while a ‘pj on the beach type of day’ is captured!
Last night we had our bi-annual hertime occasion. An evening for women all accross our city to be loved on, pampered and last nights theme was ‘Energy’.
We had nearly 1,000 women in our auditorium with a live painting, coupled with a spanish guitarist. Connisuer icecream and Killawarra champagne mini’s with straws. 80’s try hard dancers and men in tight tights!
It was hilarious, stressful, energetic and draining all in one package…Being a glutton for punishment I am getting ready right now for another night, a whole new crowd and a new set of drama’s that test an event managers patience.
I woke up early this morning, with the foreground grunt of my mum’s snoring, remembering this day not so long ago when the GTC went waltzing along the dunsborough foreshore in our pajama’s.
Some days, when life is stressful, when 1,000 women are begging for their icecream NOW! You need to remember those days when life was carefree, when you didn’t give a stuff about who sees you in your sleepwear and just smile.
Creativity is highlighted by those ireplacable moments in time that will never be repeated and always cherished.
Here’s to a new night of event management, supported and cherished by those closest (even in our pajama’s on the beach!)
Love it!