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Re-calibrating my annual goals with four simple questions.


June is closing and it marks the half way point to our year. 

Lately I have been like a big Mumma Bear who has fallen asleep. My babe has come through a big season of teething and I have been catching up on broken sleep in the winter sun.

As I have been knitting and been crafting away, I have been thinking deeply about my life and the goals I set at the beginning of this year. It doesn’t matter how big and hairy a goal is, or as simple as a daily goal to shift perspective, unless we take time to recalibrate, the busyness of the year takes over and we feel frustrated once again as our list remains unfulfilled.

One month of eating whole foods and I have dropped seven kilos, which was my big, audacious goal this year. I also sent my manuscript to an editor in London and am eagerly awaiting its return. I also sent my manuscript out to a group of single girls to give me feedback and I cant wait to rewrite parts of my book so I can bring my very best to this piece of work.

All of these little incremental changes are not very inspiring. Each kilo lost, hasn’t been instagram worthy or facebookable, but as they come together to bring change, the wins feel significant.

On Saturday, as my friend Penny spoke about Wellness and setting goals in all areas of our health, soul and body, I recalibrated those important decisions I made at the beginning of the year and wrote myself a little list of questions per goal, to help me move slowly towards change.

Here is what I wrote…

1) I wrote the goal, plain and clear. Unless we are able to clearly articulate where we need change, the change will never occur.

2) I wrote the why of that goal. What was it that motivated me at the beginning of 2015 to bring change to this area.

3) I wrote who was in my circle of influence that can help me with that goal. From accouontability, to doing it with me, to just plain old encouragement.

4) I wrote the obstacles in my way to achieving that goal.

As simple as these four questions are, they have recalibrated my inspiration to achieve the things I set out to achieve this year.

How about you?

What do you really want to change this year?

Did you write out my annual New Years Reflection Goals?  If so, why not pull them out and have a read and recalibrate what it is that you want to achieve this year. 

If not, why not print it out and do them for the 2015/ 16 financial year?

Then, why not answer these four questions about your goals?

Simple but profound.

I am soldiering on with my goals this year, how about you?

Amanda Viviers

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