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Place: Office

Poison: Long BLack

Favourite Things: time to actually blog…

It is now one month since the fatal day, when I got myself a personal trainer.

It was a goal I set myself at the beginning of the year, and I text him on New Years Eve to get the relationship started, however with travel and life I didn’t begin training till Febuary.

This last month has been unexpected.

Mostly challenging, then surprisingly rewarding. Full of ups and downs.

(I am so thankful that the biggest loser is on television in Australia right now, as the motivation for prevention is very visual right now!!)

Anyway, I have to say as hard as it is, mostly for those who are very vebose, to shut up and submit. To keep going when you are sure you have nothing else to give. To go beyond the pain barriers you thought you would never pass and mostly to try things you have never tried before.

I am on my way to a Abs, Butts and Thighs class. Powerful.

Excercise is so important, but so easily falls to the bottom of all our priority lists.

This is not just a one month fad, it is a cultural, lifestyle change.

A leader who doesn’t excercise regurally is not a leader of his or her own life.

Full stop


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quietly typing

Place: Local Library

Poison: prohibited

Favourite Things: the smell of new…

I am sitting quietly in my local library which has just moved house, in the last two weeks. The new resting place of my favourite verses, words, nouns, adjectives and punctuations is fantastic.

It takes me less than 5 mins to drive here and the new filing system means that I have found hundreds of new books for me to devour.

I made a commitment to myself that this year I would not buy any new books. (mainly because I have at least a years worth of unread books sitting on my bedside tables)

I am also starting a Masters in Leadership this year and I know there will be many books to read for this university course and I want to limit my temptation.

I have met many people who find that books are their complete downfall. Mostly people who are so addicted to books, that they walk into a bookstore and they know their credit card is going to limp on the way out. Then I also have people on the other extreme who find it so difficult in this age of technology saturation to even finish one publication from cover to cover.

I was reading a blog lately that made reference to a book reading program in the late 80’s around Australia called ‘R.I.B.I.T’






As corny and crazy as this program sounds, it developed a well set habit in my life right from primary school till now. I cannot fall asleep without reading something, even if it is only one page when I am completely stuffed!

Get a bit of ‘R.I.B.I.T’ love. Also seek out your local library.

Its a blast (without the noise)



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stop complaining

Place: My Office

Poison: Long Black

Favourite Things: beautiful candles on a autumn morning.

This last weekend in Perth was a long weekend. I started it on Friday with my day off, and drove away camping with my family. I took my young neice taylah in the car with me, and she did not stop talking for the whole 2.5 hour drive. The conversation centred around everything she saw in the car windows as we flew past the countryside.

Camping 2 March 2008 009.jpg

From houses, she was certain were snow in the distance. Considering it was nearly 40 degrees snow was not likely. Too cows, horses. Why I shifted gears in my car. Her favourite saying was WHY…

Aunty Manda, why…why…why…

You know what I loved every bit of it!

‘Rather light a candle than complain about the darkness!’ an old proverb

We don’t realise how much complaining can dominate our conversations until you throw your mobile out of the window, stop the flow of stress, and slow down to focus on those who are the most important to you.

We found a rock slide, where we were camping, and the screams of delight made it very hard for our family to complain about anything.

Camping 2 March 2008 058.jpg

Sometimes we all need to peace out! Stop complaining, ask why? with childlike wonder and live with a sense of thankyou for all the beauty.

Peace out!


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Place: My Office

Poison: A Plum

Favourite Things: The music festival that I can hear through my office window, good vibrations…nice…gotta love live music.


I have just come back from a fundraising meeting for the Riverview Children’s Foundation. Where they are empowering and inspiring community fundraisers to raise large amounts of money for projects that are linked with the foundation and I am so inspired.

People who are using their gifts for a purpose.

I had a small group of people, who are everyday people doing such amazing things. We came up with this concept of ‘Love Thy Neighbour’ products, so standby they will be out and about very soon.

Microenterprising amoungst the poor of the poor, brings honour, value and respect. When we use our resources to by from the slums of the world, we pour money back into their worlds, so they don’t feel like charity cases. I know I am simplifying this greatly…But rather than spending our money say on big name coffee, we can spend it on coffee that is giving back to the community. Like in Perth a company called ‘Five senses’ has done an amazing job of this.

Or if you are doing a t-shirt for your local footy club, or for your church, or to fundraise, go back to the people who are mostly doing the work, (often in asian countries, make sure they are child free labour), then pour our money back into these places.

Every person has the ability to take what is in their hands, and make a difference in anothers life.


(its a commandment)


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getting crafty

Place: My Office

Poison: chicken and salad wrap

Favourite Things: My new craft book.

My lovely friend Brooke, brought me a very fancy, funky and inspiring book late last year and I havent really had the time as I have been travelling to get into it.


(that’s actually my desk…tea pot and all, no set up of photo here, literally 30 second shoot)

So this weekend I created space and got crafty!

Craft does not need to be like the embarassing toilet covers that my nanna makes with barbie doll heads on top. Craft can actually be very crafty, with people not even aware that it was put together with super glue in your back shed.

The book is called: MAKING STUFF- an alternative craft book. And its from America, but can be brought online.

So this weekend I made a cake stand, which cost me 30cents per plate and $1.60 for the sherry glasses, (I smashed one, so had to go back to the opshop and in the process got a parking fine for $90, which cracked me up because the cake stand now cost me around $90 something dollars, SMILE)


I also made a little coin purse out of a mans tie, then used the rest of it as a head band.

I found a frame at a op shop for a dollar, which I painted black and then glossed it. It looks hot.

So get crafty, IM INTO IT…..
