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chopping wood

Place: My Bedroom 

Poison: Water 

Favourite Thing: this room! 

Well the Mont Blanc catalogue gives us one more quote, which is from the pen of Sir Albert Einstein. Its great! 

‘Chopping wood is so popular because it is an activity in which you see the results immediately’ 


How much do we as humans struggle with delayed gratification? How often do we stop creating, because it is tedious and time consuming? 

I am so guilty of this. Ask my mum. Sewing, I throw away the patterns and just cut it, how I think it should go. Cooking, no measurements lets just throw it all together. Pottery, can’t we bring it out of the kiln yet? Marriage, seriously are there any men out there? 

I think the best things in life do take time and patience. With our creativity, yes chopping wood may be satisfactory because the results are so immediate, however what about the patience it takes to carve a statue out of wood, whittling down a massive trunk to be a unique and foreboding work of art. 

What areas of creativity do you need to develop patience in? 

Mine? Most! 

Ahhhhhh, the pleasure and the pain of creativity. 



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Place: 130’s café 

Poison: Latte (PS they have a new coffee machine- NICE) 

Favourite Things: Still the Mont Blanc catalogue 

This poem speaks for itself, out of the Mont Blanc catalogue, which I picked up in Dubai from our hotel. 

‘Writing is an expression of individuality. 

Writing captures the thought with which we exercise influence, achieve success and express feelings. 

Writing is an expression of a society’s culture. 

Ancient cultures were passed down through handwriting. Written texts are the legacy of a society to its future generations. 

What you write with expresses your personality. 

Writing with a special instrument is a celebration of your own thoughts and denotes a unique personal writing culture.’ 

I am all for celebrating ‘a unique writing culture’. As much as I appreciate the technologies of our age, I think it is sad that handwriting is considered an ancient form of expression. 

Our handwriting does express individuality, and I believe whole-heartedly that journaling, hand writing letters and expressing directly from our hearts is something that you rob the next generation if it is not expressed. 

I also believe, when you hand write something it unlocks something in your heart, just as singing a song rather than just hearing it does something to our souls. 

Write dear friend, 

You never know what is awaiting expression. 

Yours Sincerely 


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Events girls..

events gals

08-11-06 048.jpg

Check out these spunks, post the bloke! This is my department. Let me introduce them to you.

Jen- (my little sis) Events Administrator

Me- (random)

Clare- Visual Arts Team Leader

Hayley- Weekend Service Coordinator

Simone- Event Coordinator

Lying on top- Danni- Hospitality Manager

Aren’t they beautiful!

I love em



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helmut inspiration…

Place: Home on my couch 

Poison: Diet Coke 

Favourite Things: Mont Blanc Catalogue 

Flicking through the latest Mont Blanc Catalogue, I have found quite a few quotes that I would love to write about over the next few days. 

First one- 

Helmut Hahn (not sure who this guy is, if anyone knows, make a comment) 

‘Creativity has to do more with the elimination of the inessential than inventing something new.’ 

Wow, that’s so profound. For a creative soul like mine, that is so baffling. How much of my life do I spend trying to muster up something new, a fresh idea? Yet Helmut believes its about eliminating the inessential rather than finding something new. 

How does this relate to me? I suppose new ideas and fresh approaches come when I clean out the distracting clutter that hides the sparkle of a different idea. 

My flat mate Elly is shifting out, (so sad, so sad- she is married in a couple of weeks) in the midst of that we are both eliminating the inessentials that we have both collected in the two years that we have lived together. 

However, as she packs and throws out, it is making space for new stuff that I need, but also gives me a fresh canvas to do some new things we my environment and the surrounds. 

This is relevant for all areas of our creativity. Get rid of the inessential and you never know what that dust may uncover. 

Much Love