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unsteady; ten life hacks that I have been building into the scaffold of my week.

Education is the most powerful weaponwhich you can use to change the world.

Eight weeks in and I have been to the gym each week on Wednesday morning. It has become my ritual, my reward and I finally feel like it is an anchor point to my week. The last eight weeks have also included, selling a house, buying a house, travelling to speak at a women’s conference, ripping out a laundry, smashing apart a bathroom, surgery and it has all made me feel a little unsteady.

I’m not upset or exhausted, just unsteady. Trying desperately to refind my place again. The crazy thing is when I personally go through seasons of change, I often decide I am going to question everything.

Where do I belong?

What am I doing with my life?

Who am I again?

And mostly how do I find my balance again, cause I feel unsteady.

I long for a steady place that makes me feel like everything is in balance, but I learnt a long  time ago that balance is unattainable. Balance is a scientific term, that requires everything to align, to find the right fulcrum point. We, however, are in a constant place of change, so aligning everything, to a perfect balance, is a shifting requirement and as soon as we have the elements arranged life changes. Other people impact our day, tragedy comes and life keeps moving.

These unsteady days I have been working on a new rhythm, one that doesn’t rely on anyone else to make it happen. I’ve been calling it my weekly scaffold. We have two professional scaffolders in our family and their work is all about preparing a place for people to build. It is when the scaffold is safe, secure and planned, then the building can begin and can be done with strength.

What holds the scaffold of your week together?

Rather than “How do I balance everything?”

What are the boundaries that create steadiness in the midst of your ever changing week?

These are some of the life hacks I have been trying to implement into the scaffold of my week. I am not looking for peace, balance or perfection because I know that life brings challenges, disappointments and decay. I am looking for great intentions that help steady me in the unsteady places.


I am learning to fall in love with water again. Water is a privilege to the scaffold of my week, not a right. And in the past, I have shrugged my shoulders when a drink is offered and it happens to be water. I even speak this way “I’m sorry, all we have is water.” If I am out, even if all I want is water, I will order a coffee or soft drink or anything but water. In other countries than my own, running water is a total privilege. So in the scaffold of my days, I have been increasing my respect for the gift of water. When I drink, I am engaging in the moment and being thankful that running water is a gift in my today.


My weekly class at the gym has become the anchor to my week. I am reminding myself that being able to move, being a full-bodied adult is an absolute privilege. Watching the movie “Me before You” last week I was so deeply reminded that running, walking and moving is something that I take for granted. I have been learning to thank my body for the way it works. I have had such a bad relationship with my body in the past. Many, many times I have hated my body and felt like it has let me down so often. I have hated my metabolism, I have hated my legs, and I have stood in front of the mirror and seen every part of my body that I have not liked. I am learning that movement is such a privilege and I am changing the way I see my body and thanking it for carrying around this crazy, big-hearted life.


Just a couple of months ago I filled my car up with music that lifts mine and my children’s souls. I downloaded playlists and included a lot of classical music and I intentionally turn up the music and sing my soul clean as we drive around. In the midst of such drastic change and as we all seek to find our place again, we have been singing our hearts out to music that heals. These moments in our week, as we drive around have become our anchoring point, rather than a place of stress and hurry.


Each night as the clock swings softly past six pm, I walk from room to room and switch on lamps. I light candles, I spray essential oils and I change the night time atmosphere. Dinner is often done by 5.30 for the children and quiet time across our house ensues. I turn off the television, especially from the news. I detach my family from the stress that is pumped daily from our world that is groaning.


Another scaffold that has been firmly a part of my week for the last couple of months has been a sabbath day that is media and phone free. I am learning that being connected every day, every hour and every moment to the world that is shouting its opinions and ideas is not great for my soul. I need to detach myself from you. I need to be free from the constant buzz of noise. I need to walk and think, pray and feel. Sabbathing unpacks the parts of me that wrestle to find expression.


Every single Monday night we gather. My tribe gathers. Most of us put our phones down. Everyone brings a dish. I snuggle my nieces and nephews, I hear stories of netball grand finals and new obsessions. My Dad and uncle drink a bottle of red wine and the kitchen is always the place of secrets and hushed news. My kids run around in the garden, they run up the slide the wrong way, they throw sand at their cousins and we watch with a wry smile. We invite people into our little village all the time. Many of them don’t understand us and we are a little loud for others, but this rung in my scaffold is important. It is my anchor point that my life is built upon. Every week. Every silly Monday. We rock up. We pull out the cutlery, table cloths are swung over tressels and we eat.


My Tuesdays are for dancing. Yesterday we went to the parent teacher viewing of my son Maximus’s dance class and it was hilarious. Apparently, he is up the front of the class every week as the assistant teacher. He doesn’t like being in the line with the other children. Tuesday morning, I dress up my little Libby and together we dance around. Often in the most stressed out times, you will find a dance party ensuing in our house. Music is lifted, shoes are kicked off and we dance away the pain. Dancing stupid dances that make us feel free. Dance is a scaffold piece to our week and it is one of my favourite parts.

Little Tidies;

Every morning, before I leave the bedroom I make the bed. It is a simple little tidy, that changes the way my day begins. Every night, before I settle in to write, knit or watch my favourite shows I do a little whirlwind tidy. Dishes are washed, clothes are taken to the laundry. My little burst of tidies, keep my house in order but more than this I feel so much more able to relax and ease into my night time rituals and eventually fall asleep. It is funny, whilst chatting with a friend at the gym this morning I realised why I have struggled to write through this season of transition. I am struggling to write because our office studio is full of all the bits and bobs in our house that haven’t found their place yet. We struggle to express ourselves fully, sleep fully and find the peace we are looking for because there are places in our spaces that are disorganised and chaotic. Little tidies, every single day, create a scaffold of inspiration for our week.

5 mins with Kym;

Every weekday, pretty much without fail, one of my closest friends calls me. We now live in different cities with different time zones, with four babies between us and a whole heap of entrepreneurial-ing. Every day as she is driving home to pick up her babes from daycare, we have a chat. We have a theme song “five minutes with Kym.” and we sing away, then we quickly debrief the happenings in our today. We talk about everything random and then sometimes it is just so deep and pain filled. But my five minutes with Kym is my little lifeline. She’s a scaffold in my day and I am so grateful for her beautiful presence in my daily life. We never talk longer than five minutes but it changes my crazy 4pm wrestles. She makes me feel okay in the midst of my unsteadiness.


Every single morning I demand a long hug from my children on the couch. My husband makes me a coffee and I say their name individually and they come hug. We breathe, we snuggle and we wait. They pull away and then I pull them back again. I ask them how much I love them and often the answer is one million Jetstar aeroplanes. At the end of the day, no matter what has happened in the crazy of the day, I hug my person. I hug him for more than a few seconds. We realign ourselves. We remind ourselves and I always tell him how proud I am of him and his amazing pursuits. I tell him that we are grateful for how hard he works for our family. We lean in. We thank and we say goodbye to the day. Every single day.

These are ten little life hacks that are imperative pieces in the structure of my week. They make me feel steady even when everything around me is falling. They are places of comfort because they create the structure of our families week.

What is the scaffold of your week?

What are ten things you do every single week that create security and comfort?

These, my friends, are the things that bring a feeling of balance, even when everything is changing and shifting.

Speak again tomorrow




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squashed banana, rolled eyes and dust parties

Tonight as the grey water drained away at my sink, leftover pieces of onion, celery and cheerio’s lay drowning in its wake, my eyes rolled as I forced my hand in to scoop them into the bin. Lately, a short, little sentence has been dancing around the inside of my mind.

To be served or to serve?


Motherhood can be just so ordinary, squashed bananas in my four hundred dollar rug, dust parties with leftover grout and tile glue, my ordinary is so very ordinary. Just like you.

I’m not wanting to complain but I struggle so often to find my place of peace, where I can accept my today with grace and fortitude. Some months it comes so easily and others, well let’s say tomorrow is another day.

to serve orbe served-

I know this question isn’t one that is difficult to answer just for Mums of small children. It is for wives, for daughters, for friends, it is something that we all wrestle with on a daily basis.

When the dishes are left piling at the work sink, to be served or to serve?

When someone does something that you have been longing to do, to be served or to serve?

Being human is a call to service. Yet we live in a culture and an age that preaches constantly to us about entitlement. We are entitled to dream, we are entitled to live big lives, we are entitled to a fair go.

The more I see the age of entitlement grow, the more I am realising that it is causing a deep dissatisfaction in the ordinary parts of our lives. We see windows into our online friend’s worlds and we compare every moment, every filter and every follower with our own.

To be served or to serve?

What a profound question. As I stand in the queue at the post office like I did today with my not yet two-year-old screaming for the Peppa Pig Book placed right in her eyesight. As I pick her up and she kicks me ferociously, “To be served or to serve?”

As I sat down tonight to write, stealing a quiet moment after dinner and I hear my family gather on the couch to read a book and all I want to do is ignore it because Daddy is home and it’s now my time. “To be served or to serve?” So I quietly put my computer to sleep and walked out to the couch knowing that this time is precious and irreplaceable.

When the washing pile stinks and the dishwasher lay unpacked, when the sheets need to be changed and the floor cries to be swept.

To be served or to serve.

In a society that tells us what our rights are and how we need to look out for ourselves to find our peace. It is through serving another that humility, grace, patience and fortitude they grow, they manifest and they change our very core.

In a society that preaches the self-made man and the girl boss who wins. When I listened to the news this morning the preacher said “I don’t believe you go find yourself, I believe we need to make ourselves” how do we find perspective and grace when we are surrounded by pressure to live successfully by making ourselves seem amazing?

What if the mark of a successful person was the way they served those closest?

What if the most impressive attribute of a CEO was the way they treated their staff?

What if the person who served the most was the one with the most likes on social media?

What if our politicians spent their days seeing their role of one of service to humanity rather than a privilege?

What if we taught our children the way to win was to let another go before?

To be served or to serve?

I find myself lately realigning what impresses me and it is no longer stats, or numbers, people following or attendance, I am impressed by the way those in privileged places serve in the quiet moments with no spotlight. How they chat with people who cannot help them. If they dismiss and ignore the forgotten, the lonely and misrepresented.

I am watching the leaders as they walk slowly through their supermarket aisles.

I am aching to see leaders serve with a heart that is not impressed by status or what the world deems successful.

I am desperate to see a culture that teaches our young that it is indeed better to serve than to be served.

So for tonight as I put away my computer and snuggle up to my husband. When I sweep the floor and pick up those dirty clothes. As I wash another load and I listen for my children’s cries tonight deep in the dark of winter.

Please, Lord, continue to echo in my broken heart to be served or to serve.


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me before you

Today I cried, sobbed actually in a movie cinema with my friend. I watched one of those movies that as I drove home, the tree’s looked a little different. The orange in their leaves as they fell to the ground looked translucent and otherworldly, I drove home in a haze.

My haze was induced by words from a life that was difficult and unusual but stretching towards finding the meat in his tomorrow.

Me Before You is showing at the cinema’s at the moment and it honestly has been one of my favourite films to date. I laughed, I cried, but mostly I came home and hugged my family just that bit tighter.

Louisa took my breath away with her love of colour, life and tenacity to live loud.


Bumblebee tights, crazy shoes, movies with subtitles and concerts in a red dress. Louisa’s dad said this and it shocked me “You can’t change who people are” and she replied “Well what can we do?” and her Dad said “You just love them”.

I realised that I have subscribed to the notion over and over again that I can change people. But maybe just maybe it was never the intent of love and relationships. We all change, we all grow and we all impact one another in deeply significant ways, but I just want to get better at loving people flaws and all.

Have you seen this movie?

What did you think?

Much teary love


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her reflection

Princesses and Super Hero’s dress up day at dancing today.

Yesterday was the last day of our online book club and I have a secret; I haven’t finished the book. Last night I had questions like;

How can I contribute if I haven’t finished the damn book?

Does this mean I failed book club?

So I decided to show up today and tell you my secret, knowing that there would be others who didn’t finish the book. In fact, I emailed the hotel where I stayed in Darwin today, realising I left it on the bedside table of my hotel room.

Not just a fail, but an epic one. Maybe that’s the best end to this journey for me, accepting my weird and in fact enjoying its potential.

“Be the weirdo who dares to enjoy.”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

I have had some big questions that have been prodded along by this book, but one of my main reflections is this.

Creative doesn’t equal deep and dark.

Creative doesn’t demand intense long, overwhelming pauses.

Creative doesn’t define my identity.

But it brings colour, life and magic to all of these parts of me.

Being creative is a gift, a friend to my everyday. It is not a burden to carry, but a language to learn.

It is not a disease or a disposition, creativity can be light as well as responsible.

Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic has converted my already creatively obsessed heart. I am more in love with creativity than ever before, but in some ways, I am less defined by it.

Does that even make sense?

I am carrying my creative load a little lighter and don’t feel so defined by its genre and category. Maybe my thoughts will change as I finish its last few chapters, but I doubt it.

Maybe it has done its work anyway.

And for those who didn’t read along with us, let me leave you with what I believe is the best paragraph in the whole book;

“Let me list for you some of the many ways in which you might be afraid to live a more creative life: You’re afraid you have no talent. You’re afraid you’ll be rejected or criticised or ridiculed or misunderstood or—worst of all—ignored. You’re afraid there’s no market for your creativity, and therefore no point in pursuing it. You’re afraid somebody else already did it better. You’re afraid everybody else already did it better. You’re afraid somebody will steal your ideas, so it’s safer to keep them hidden forever in the dark. You’re afraid you won’t be taken seriously. You’re afraid your work isn’t politically, emotionally, or artistically important enough to change anyone’s life. You’re afraid your dreams are embarrassing. You’re afraid that someday you’ll look back on your creative endeavours as having been a giant waste of time, effort, and money. You’re afraid you don’t have the right kind of discipline. You’re afraid you don’t have the right kind of workspace, or financial freedom, or empty hours in which to focus on invention or exploration. You’re afraid you don’t have the right kind of training or degree. You’re afraid you’re too fat. (I don’t know what this has to do with creativity, exactly, but experience has taught me that most of us are afraid we’re too fat, so let’s just put that on the anxiety list, for good measure.) You’re afraid of being exposed as a hack, or a fool, or a dilettante, or a narcissist. You’re afraid of upsetting your family with what you may reveal. You’re afraid of what your peers and coworkers will say if you express your personal truth aloud. You’re afraid of unleashing your innermost demons, and you really don’t want to encounter your innermost demons. You’re afraid your best work is behind you. You’re afraid you never had any best work to begin with. You’re afraid you neglected your creativity for so long that now you can never get it back. You’re afraid you’re too old to start. You’re afraid you’re too young to start. You’re afraid because something went well in your life once, so obviously nothing can ever go well again. You’re afraid because nothing has ever gone well in your life, so why bother trying? You’re afraid of being a one-hit wonder. You’re afraid of being a no-hit wonder”
Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

How about you?

“What have you learned from Big Magic?”

Elaine and Jodie, thanks for the journey.

Till we meet again in online book club land,

