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Creativity the product of boundaries

Place: hotel

Poison: icecream

Favorite things: rental movies on my iPad

Reading a baby book by the pool today, I read a line regarding children and their rearing that stopped me in my tracks…

‘creativity is the product of boundaries, not freedom. With absolute freedom there is no need for creative or innovative thinking.’

Bang on!

I have known this for years, but to read it in a book called ‘Babywise’, which is all about routine and it’s absolute necessity for newborns, reinforced a creative rule I follow to the letter!

I meet so many creative people who are without routine and without structure. Just like a newborn baby, they want to eat, sleep, play, create; whenever they feel like it rather than at set time with routine.

One reason why I am attempting a 366 day writing season, is the routine it brings me through a season of immense change, creates boundaries that instigate and promote innovation.

Most would think the more you write the less you have to say. Where as I find, the more regularly I write the more I have to say…

Boundaries are beneficial.

Just like the necessity of routine for newborns, for creativity to thrive boundaries are imperative.

What routines/boundaries can you implement to bring creative freshness to your everyday?


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Young hearts run free

Place: woodman point

Poison: water

Favorite things: the fountain of youth.

Young hearts run free!

It amazes me how teenagers believe that they are so hard done by with their emotions and crazy perspectives on life.

I see such a different picture. The freedom to express themselves. No mortgage, full time jobs, expectations or responsibility.

To see them free, happy, in love, in lust, creatively pursuing their futures, expressively finding out their personalities. They have the world at their feet and spending my days with them inspires me towards the fountain of youth.

It’s not that I want to look younger, it’s that I want to live in the moment more grasping the opportunities and living less weighed down by responsibility.

Immaturity is not my goal, by free-thinking, fresh inspiration and loving with abandonment is so heartening.

Young hearts run free…I think it should be mandatory for all adults to spend a few days with some pure hearted, spontaneous teenagers, that cynic in you will shrink and the optimist will rise.

You will get to the place where you dream again and truly believe that all things are possible, even just for a moment.

Young hearts run free.

Let your heart roam a little to a land of possibility.