I sat down this afternoon and had this cup of tea, with thoughts whirring around my head faster than the bubbles frothed in this milk. My heart was racing with a sense of purpose and potential.
Over the last few weeks I have had such a sense of clarity about the next years of my life. The kind of weeks that only come with a whisper. Maybe they have come because I journeyed the well-worn path on my knees of forgiveness and letting go.
A whisper that has been saying;
Go on have a go.
You never know this could be Divine.
Life is way too short for maybe.
One of my big decisions over the last little while has been to launch these Creative Retreats. A one day retreat facilitated by me with one person, near the ocean, creating space to dream. I have been so overwhelmed at the response with only two places left.
Another moment of clarity has been around my latest manuscript that I have been working so hard on this year. I have decided to step out into the crazy world of publishing and pursue an agent and publisher for this book The Summer of Love; single, over 25 and exhausted. The letters that my readers here wrote, all 30 of them are so inspiring. My intern read them and started to cry, my author friend read them and was like YOU NEED TO PUBLISH THIS.
So, I have taken a deep, long breath and have committed.
I am scared out of my heart. It is pumping and writhing, full of fear and trepidation.
I have been on a journey where I have self published and put my ideas out there, for you, the people who choose to come and read this blog. (which by the way this week has gone over 2 million hits for the year! WHAT! with 65,000 unique visitors this year alone.)
My first book sold out this year in hard copy and I smiled this week when a reader from France emailed asking for a book for a friend in London, as Amazon was selling a copy for $199 due to it being sold out.
Crazy Days.
I am tentatively going into places I have never gone before and who knows I may fail, but I am stepping out anyway.
If you are a praying type, pray with me. There is a song that has been popular lately that says this…
‘Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters, wherever you may lead.’
When we sing songs like this, do we think that God doesn’t hear our cry and take us into unknown territories?
An anthem that is exciting as we sing it, but are we ready to actually do it?
This could be a whole new day for Capture as I send off my book proposals and manuscript this week.
With a deep breath,
I am just having a go.
These photos that I took today of Libby who fell asleep on the floor this afternoon as I drunk a cup of tea, remind me that I am influencing little people daily.
An inspired Mum, is a happy one.
And that I am.
What do you need to step out and do?
What have you been waiting for?
These are the best of days, the ones where we fearfully step out of the boat and start to see our dreams become a reality.
Till tomorrow
Ps- If you are looking for ideas for homemade Christmas gifts this year, my e-book Capture 30 merry days is available to download today, with lots of fun and interesting gift ideas.