Today the thought of changing another nappy does my head in. Other days I don’t think, I just do but today, I can’t even. There is something about the in-between that teaches every person who acknowledges their place there, a lesson in humility.
Humility, what a funny word, with so many perceived meanings.
Popular culture seems to perpetuate the lie that it is about making ourselves less, so another can shine.
The church makes it out as if we tell everyone how bad we are, then we can step back and let Jesus shine.
Families may tell us, it is about keeping our opinions to ourselves.
I have found however that humility is not about telling everyone how bad we are, but in actuality talking about ourselves less.
Thinking about ourselves less.
Seeing the world through another perspective.
We can live a very quiet life, but a proud one.
Or we can live a very loud one, that is extremely humble.
Social media perpetuates the myth that we can do, be, promote, design, lie our way out of every situation and make everything filtered again.
No matter how much we filter, no matter how often we edit, at the end of the day, we still go to bed with our own conversations rattling around our heads and see the world through our own experience and pain.
As much as the world of nappies and midday sleeps is challenging my patience today, I am so glad that I have the opportunity to take stock in my in-between.
As I hung out the washing on the line today, I breathed deep and smelled the ocean, so glad that I had the opportunity to stand outside in my jeans and bare feet, rather than sitting in an office in my high heels and suit.
My place of humility is changing me.
My season of hidden-ness is opening my eyes to the story of another.
My days of novice motherhood are creating a well worn track of prayer to my Father, teaching me his will above my own.
No matter your social status or how powerful you feel you are. We are all equal. We came here by birth and we will leave by death. The in-between gives us a little breather to find truly what we are living for.
The possibility to choose beyond self in the in-between, even when we are grasping to find our own identity is the most defining of days.
I am learning to think of myself less and look out for another in my in-between.
I am starting to listen more to someone else, than to sprout my own ideas and opinions.
I am responding quicker out of obedience to My Picnic King when he asks me to run away and pray.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.
Philippians 2: 3
This is not the way of this world. This stands against everything that social media promotes. This my friend is a worthy pursuit in our season of waiting.
When we realise our worth with confidence, yet love everyone without any judgement or prejudice we step a little closer to living a life of brilliance.
Humility is not when we step back and hide in a conversation telling everyone how bland we are, it is knowing our worth and the equality we hold with every person present, but not needing to put our hand up and fight.
When we embrace the in-between with two hands and kiss its potential, we walk towards the defining moment where we understand that our worth is not based in what we do, but in whom we serve.
We begin to dream again knowing that a full calendar does not equal a successful life and a quiet disposition can be the most fulfilling of pursuits.
We live days of hidden-ness, discovering the depth of who we truly are without anyone giving us accolades, encouragement or high fives.
Big does not always mean better.
Busy does not always mean happy.
Money does not always equate satisfaction.
A little beach shack, a little coffee, a deep breath of sea air, a cup of tea with a friend, lots of prayer and time to think. These are becoming my favourite pursuits of a quiet life.
My ambition is slowing and my heart is breathing deeply again.
Humility is teaching me some fine lessons in this place of quiet.
A call to surrender my will and seek His will a little more.