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Mistakes I have made…

Place: At Green Tea Cup Club- Location (top secret)

Poison: Chai Latte

Favourite Things: Polly & Bonnie

Well, this week after much soul searching, I have come face to face with a couple of little, but startling mistakes. When you move so fast and life keeps on steaming on, we all make mistakes. Its good to address them, maybe ask forgiveness from those closest and then move right along addressing the problems and making the necessary changes.

When it comes to creativity though, sometimes there are mistakes or parts of our expressions of creativity where those mistakes create an authenticity, that makes the artwork fresh!

In my book Capture- 30 days of inspiration, I had an amazing editor, Sarah Churchill, who helped me keep it real, but edited the mistakes out of my book, without editing out my creativity and voice.

Despite both our fine tooth combing of the commas, question marks and abbreviations, we came a cropper with a few small grammatical errors in the book.

Here is one mistake. ‘Map Page- Hannah Story- instead of Hannah’s Story’

Have you found any others?

Humbly yours


2 thoughts on “Mistakes I have made…

  1. hey amanda
    thought it would be good to tell you that in your french quote there is a mistake. Must say that i didn’t realize it when you first asked me but then I looked again and I never found the right occasion to tell you . ‘Aide toi, Dieu t’aidera” is actually a litteral translation of the real one plus ‘te aidera’ is grammatically incorrect. So here’s the real quote’ Aide toi, le Ciel t’aidera’. hope you don’t mind …

  2. Don’t mind at all, in fact I love it. If I ever get to reprint will get you to double check.

    Love ya frenchy!

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