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Happy V Day Coli!

Place: Bob and Lesley’s

Poison: Flat White

Favourite Things: The Bains!

Well today is Valentines Day and its a beautiful day filled with much fond memories of my amazing friend Coli and the gang of weary travellers who are connected accross Australia and the seas!

Today, mid morning our lovely Maori friend went home to meet with a big bright smile her maker. Its uncanny that she went home on Valentines Day, because she was so quirky and filled with love. V-Day for me now is Coli Day and she will be forever in our hearts.

A shout out to all my crew her know her well and those who only crossed her path briefly but were forever impacted by her fresh sense of fun and niavity. Her love of all things surfy in clothes, the people at City surf whom she worked with but mostly her gorgeous babies- Christian, Nicodemus and Justice.

I will never forget you, even though we have only known each other for a few years, you impacted me.

I remember that day in the Italian resteraunt and Justice sang akuna mata as she wet her pants!! I remember you lying in my back room at lesser street when you flew in last Easter. Remember Claudine running around in a Freddo Cadbury character suit?

That day before I flew to Lebanon in June last year when we had a Gloria Jeans and talked about life. You and Dale and the amazing cafe you run, the way you cooked Oly Bollan doughnuts that first day I went to your apartment, with so many randoms sitting on the couch and you cooking for everyone.

You are a woman of great character, great wisdom and a niavity which is breathtaking!

See ya sometime in heaven soon.

Already missing you


(at gloria jeans!)






1 thought on “Happy V Day Coli!

  1. Beautiful words Amp…we went to the beach on Saturday (family and I) and placed some hot pink roses into the surf and offered up some prayers for Coli’s young family…we will all meet again one day and our tears will be washed away foreva. I cant wait to see you gain Coli….

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