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Julie and Julia

Place: my lounge

Poison: green tea

Favourite things: thinking about how I am going to renovate my first apartment!

A movie is coming out in October in Australia and I couldn’t be more excited.

A mid 30s girl with last name Powell, decides to reinvent her life by writing on a blog and cooking her way through a famous cooking heroines book.

365 days, 2 recipes a day and the blog became a sensation. This story is true.

Roll the years back 30 or so and another woman bored out of her brains attends a cooking school and does what she can to write a book full of recipes that were to inspire a whole generation of would be chefs.

Enter stage left the movie Julie and Julia. The movie parralells and follows both life stories with comedy, love and food.

I wrote a recipe to enter into a competition about the film, the question was what is your life changing recipe?

I wrote…

1 cup of courage, 1 teaspoon of inspiration, 1/2 cup of spirit, 2 cups of encouragement and 3 cups of motivation. Mix all ingrediants together and you have the ability to reinvent your life.

I’m thinking a bit about reinvention right now…

Bring on the 8th of October…