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Delayed gratification

Place: Loungeroom

Poison: water

Favorite things: planning my Inlaws visit to come and meet Max…

I am unable to drive for 6 weeks and I am only one week down…

You just don’t realise how much you rely upon driving when you can jump in the car whenever you like.

A trip to the shops for milk, a trip to your friends to hang out…freedom.

During this season of lent many people fast and sacrifice different things to delay gratification through a season of reflection and mourning.

One of the most difficult parts of the Easter story is the darkness and difficulty the disciples felt on the Friday. They did not know what was to come, they did not know of the delayed gratification of Christs death. They did not live with this perspective even though Jesus clearly taught them the importance of his death and the necessity that he must go..

Lenten reading

“Immediately after the anguish of those days,
the sun will be darkened,
the moon will give no light,
the stars will fall from the sky,
and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. And then at last, the sign that the Son of Man is coming will appear in the heavens, and there will be deep mourning among all the peoples of the earth. And they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. (Matthew 24:29, 30 NLT)

We Live in such a buy now pay later society. The concept of delayed gratification, is far from our everyday. To hear of so many people who are indebted to their high credit card balance, mortgages that are completely overbearing, children who are not taught to wait and save.

I know the day that I am able to drive again, will be a day where I no longer take for granted the simple pleasure and privelege I have to Be able
to drive a car…the same perspective must be gained in this Lenten season that Christ is coming again and we must live with this perspective.

In someways it would be easy for us to pray his second coming in tomorrow because the suffering and brokenness we often feel here on this earth burdens us deeply, but imagine that day when we see Him face to face. The delight and brilliance of being in his presence

What areas of your life are you not practicing delayed gratification? Are you trying to wish away seasons and days of sacrifice in order to gain the prize without the pain it takes to prepare for it.

This Lenten season take stock of the areas in your life that you are showing impatience and ask God to help you grow in this area.


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