Place: Office
Poison: Flat White
Favorite Things: Cold enough for a hoodie
This week we went and did a big shop on Monday at a grower direct market. We filled our fridge with fruit, vegetables and meat. It was so much cheaper to go to the grower directly but also it means our week has been so much healthier because our fridge is stocked with fresh options.
We live in a society that is obsessed with consuming. Quick consumption at that. It needs to be cheap and fast. If we drive along one main artery and just count the fast food outlets you would be shocked. Often there are Mac donalds kilometre after kilometre.
I may feel quickly full when I go through a drive through, but I feel overwhelmingly satisfied when I go and pick herbs and vegetables out of my own garden.
I think we were created by a creator to be a producer rather than a consumer. When we produce something it brings deep satisfaction because it reflects a Creative God, who begins the bible with seven days of creation. He is a producer of new and fresh opportunities.
When we create new businesses, when we create new clothing, when we create something from scratch, it is deeply fulfilling.
When was the last time you made something from nothing?
A cupcake, a meal, some bread, some clothes, a scarf, a painting, a shed… the list is endless. We don’t need to be super creative to have a go. We just have to be willing to fail.
Pride often stops us from producing and we fall into the land of consumption.
We are defined by what we create, not by what we use…
What is defining you in this season?