Place: Perth international airport
Poison: water
Favourite things: too many! A boarding pass
The sickness in my house is being held at bay! We are on the up and up and are on our way to Indonesia for one of our closest friends weddings. The sickness plaguing us gave us every reason to pull the pin…
This three letter word, changes everything…
The word changes the whole context of our scripture reference.
But in everything!
But…the story changes, the plot unfolds, the fear is commanded to leave.
Mary was pregnant before being married but…
Herod commanded all children to be killed but…
Jesus saw the woman at the well but…
Jesus died on the Friday but…
The story of Christ changes how we handle fear in our everyday.
We can face all the things that confront us because He has gone before.
We can move through the hard times and come out the other side because he is stronger.
We can.
Tonight I am proof of the three little letters that change my context. Flying away without my husband, with a little man who is much better.
What part of your sentence needs a change in direction…
But changes everything…
See ya later peeps