Making: 30 second orange cake with my Mums new Thermomix. I just added chocolate icing to make it Jaffa Cake.
Cooking: Soups like nobody’s business. My favourite last week was a Tomato minestrone
Drinking: Sleepy Time Tea, hoping to get lots of zzzzz’s before miss V comes to town.
Reading: I know why the caged bird sings by Maya Angelou. So inspired!
Wanting: to slow life down and speed it up all at the same time. Slow down how fast Max is growing, speed up the pending arrival of Miss V.
Looking: At all the sales on airfares at the moment and so sad that I am grounded.
Playing: Tetris in our tiny shack trying to fit in everything we need for the new baby.
Wasting: water; showers are a 8 month pregnant Mummy’s poison.
Sewing: My nephews School Jacket, after a particularly rough game of football.
Wishing: My sister an amazing trip around the world that she is just about to embark upon.
Enjoying: Chocolate, a little too much. Fundraising chocolates are a pregnant Mumma’s worst nightmare.
Waiting: To hear back from a magazine that I have been asked to write for.
Liking: The winter sun coupled with the beach. (this time of the year is actually the best where I live.)
Wondering: Why God made monkeys with bright blue bottoms.
Loving: The network I started with two great friends Kinwomen, it is so exciting to see little things unfold.
Hoping: That the SPARC conference goes amazing this year, I can’t believe I’m missing out!
Needing: One more letter for my Yestember ‘Dear single self’ series. I have 29! yes.
Smelling: Green Thai Curry that is in my slow cooker as I write.
Wearing: A hoodie from Sevenly.
Following: The This Matters Project; a film competition in my city, which I think is brilliant.
Noticing: The larger the internet grows, the more narcissism is rife.
Knowing: That I was changed by the movie ‘The Fault with our stars’ and now how do I live it…
Thinking: About the new series and the 6 contributors who will be writing each week in the month of August for this website.
Feeling: So grateful for all the little events I have been a part of over the last couple of months and the new people I have met.
Bookmarking: Not much at the moment, I have been really focussed on keeping this little site pumping.
Opening: Cadbury’s Marvellous creations.
Giggling: This video has had me cracking up over and over. When you are dying your hair, get it on!
(I found this Taking Stock idea first from Em here)
Somedays all it takes is a little bit of time to celebrate the ordinary to feel perspective shift.