Making: Little Baby Girl Bloomers out of old embroidered tablecloths.
Cooking: In my slow cooker, my favourite this week was Lamb, spinach and mushroom brown rice and quinoa. Yum!
Drinking: Water, a coffee a day and all kinds of tea.
Reading: The fault in our stars by John Green. I am still reeling from the movie.
Wanting: Some Hubble and Duke moccasins and a new candle.
Looking: for any sign of Labour. Anything.
Playing: With Lego, my son has just discovered its brilliance.
Wasting: wool on little things, trying to stay busy while I wait.
Sewing: Baby Rompers. I have seen a few I like and am going to have a try for some outfits for Summer.
Wishing: My sister would come home. Her being in Amsterdam last week is too close to home for my liking after the MH17 tragedy.
Enjoying: Chicago Fire, a new TV series to help me bide my time and the new album from hill song.
Waiting: The obvious. 39 weeks.
Liking: being online less. I have made a big effort to not have my phone in bed and to do more with my hands so that I am not flicking around social media all the time.
Wondering: What is going to happen in the world at the moment with all the imminent war and conflict.
Loving: Velvet Acorn. I cannot get enough of her patterns at the moment.
Hoping: For miracles.
Needing: More inspiration to keep on going with my current book.
Smelling: New Perfume from my beau.
Wearing: My maternity clothes waiting desperately to throw them away!
Following: The free woman.
Noticing: That there is always an invincible summer in the midst of winter. Sunsets, walks on the beach, they are all a choice no matter the weather.
Knowing: That God is faithful.
Thinking: A lot about giving birth and know many women have done it before me, but it still freaks me out.
Feeling: a little scared actually, lots of tragedy around me and trying to stay brave in the face of adversity.
Bookmarking: Pinterest is a lot of fun at the moment.
Opening: Presents from friends who are visiting excited about our little girl.
Giggling: Not much, maybe that needs to change.
(I found this Taking Stock idea first from Em here)
Somedays all it takes is a little bit of time to celebrate the ordinary to feel perspective shift.