We are full swing in newborn land;
Two hourly feeds, two year old tantrums, washing that’s four people deep, two car seats, nappies piling out of our bins… the shack is in shock and wants its peaceful zen back.
Juggling coping strategies is my new normal. My Mr has gone back to work this week and I’m finding ways to keep my plates spinning.
One of the best strategies I implemented last week was a routine that is not dependent on my husband to function. (He works shift work and I found myself feeling destabilised every time his work roster changed)
I made a weekly planner on the fridge which includes exercise for mum, outings for Mr Maximus and meal plans for team V.
I arranged two friends to come on Monday morning and Wednesday morning respectively, to walk the beach together and get the family out of the house.
I arranged my Mum to meet us at the local pool on Tuesday to swim with Max, so I could focus on Libby.
Every day I have had a plan, that involved people and it has kept me sane.
The funny thing is, I HATE ROUTINE. I hate being told what to do, I hate meal planners, I hate same, same. I long for spontaneous moments of sheer brilliance.
We all need routine.
We all need spontaneous brilliance.
We all need a plan.
People ask me how I manage to write, speak regularly, run two blogs, mentor people with two little people and a husband to love?
The truth is sometimes I don’t!
Other times, I sacrifice to just get it done.
Sometimes I just do it when I don’t feel like it.
And then somedays I fall in a heap and am unable to do anything but just get by.
Although you read all the high points here on this blog and social media, routine is imperative for me to do anything productive.
I order my groceries online.
I have my bills on regular payments.
I delete my emails as soon as they have been read and keep my inbox as low as possible.
I unsubscribe from spam mail all the time.
Our freezer is full of meals prepared in advance.
We have a tiny apartment so I hardly spend any time cleaning.
We live simply with an apartment with no garden, so no mowing the lawns for us on weekends.
I regularly throw away any clutter to the op shop which keeps our house and life simple.
I am able to keep pushing forward into new and fresh opportunities because I often reflect on the season that I am in and I alter my routine accordingly.
For example I am really determined to finish the book I am currently working on, so for the month of October I am not going to watch any TV.
Relying on the village
These are all some of the strategies I employ to keep moving forward and keep our family moving.
I am fully aware of my new season and am determined to implement a new routine that matches that season.
Working out what I can do and what I can’t.
How about you?
Does your routine match your season?
Do you need a new normal?
speak soon
Great blog Amanda. Insightful and practical. Tips we can all apply to our daily lives and seasons. xx
Thanks Michelle. Hope your season is treating you well.
It surely is. Thanks
You are an amazing mumma all you do!
You make the ordinary sound extraordinary – it inspires me to move. Thanks;)
Thanks for being my walking buddy fleece
I love that top quote Amanda, describes me perfectly!
Me too. It’s my daily battle!