I have had major writers block for months now.
Not here on my blog; you guys are my therapy.
My friends,
Super forgiving.
Ever helpful.
You’re an extension of my creative gang.
The big fat impenetrable wall that has been smashed down was my latest manuscript. Chapter twenty one became my nightmare.
How do I finish this?
Am I just adding a crazy amount of optimism to a topic that is just complicated?
What do you know anyway, you’re not even single anymore?
Words that wounded like a knife. Moments of blank screen pity. Times when I just said “I give up.”
Despite these words of condemnation I have been writing even when I don’t feel like it.
I have been sorting out grammar even when I hate it.
I have just had a go. Some seasons you just need to keep trying. Anything, everything, until suddenly one day it just flows. Inspiration is unleashed. You are propelled into the new.
One great creative tool I have been trying is called “Morning pages” from Julia Cameron. Basically what you do is write every morning in a journal, stream of conscious thoughts. Whatever comes to mind, just write. Don’t edit. Don’t think. Don’t judge just write. You will be surprised at what comes out first thing in the morning.
And the result has been the removing of a big fat old blockage and my project is sailing again.
The new title of the book is…
“Dear single self,”
All I have left is one letter and a closing epilogue.
I have written ten chapters this week.
Editors, publishers, single friends, the project has lift off again.
Watch out. This book will not beat me.
Never, ever give up.
Great! I love the morning pages. I call it ‘bum glue’ like Bryce Courtney. Sit down, write, don’t worry. Fix it later. That’s what editors are for!
So good. I try to keep my blog like this. I hardly edit it, not because I’m lazy but it is a space that I want to keep my voice light, free and open. The more I edit, the more responsible I feel and then the less I write. This space is a very open space for me. Which I am grateful for people’s grace extended to my mistakes here.
I, too, love the morning pages, although I sometimes have to fight the little voice that tells me I am wasting precious writing time and that I should be working on my ‘real’ writing project. But it is amazing what does come out of those morning pages when I persevere. And, Elaine, I have used that Bryce Courtney’s ‘bum glue’ to encourage others, but I need to use it myself at the moment, so thanks for the reminder!